.:Basic Attacks:.

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"Hello, who may you be? You wish to learn basic attacks? Very well then, I am Silverheart, here are some attacks you can use to protect your clan! Beware though, never use attacks to kill, and to follow the warrior code."

Back Kick:

A powerful attack to catch your foe from behind. Ideal when running away from a strong foe. Judge your foe's distance, then kick backwards. Try aiming for the foe's nose or jaw which should make them recoil back.

Belly Rake:

A powerful fight-stopper. Ideal if pinned down. Slice the foe's belly with your claws.

Front Paw Blow:

Ideal for charging at a foe. Leap at your foe, with a sheathed paw bring your foe's head down. Their head should slam into the ground.

Front Paw Strike:

Ideal for charging. Slice the foe's face from the front. Claws unsheathed.

Killing Bite: A death blow. A swift bite to the back of the neck, twist your head until foe is limp. Dishonorable and only used for last resort.


Ideal for small cats taking on a large foe. Leap onto the foe's back, hooking your claws on its flesh. The foe cannot reach you from here, so now you can inflict severe attacks. Beware of the Drop-and-Roll counter move.


If pinned or hooked onto. Drop and rolled, the foe on your back will be flattened and you now have the upper hand.

Partner Fighting:

Two warriors (Or apprentices) who have been together for a while will most likely pair into a defensive pose protecting each other's backs. One warrior (Or apprentice) will fend off the foe, as the other warrior (Or apprentice) protects the other by slashing away at the foe's shoulders or face.

Play Dead:

Not ideal for savage cats or foes. If your pinned, simply play dead. The cat, if a loyal cat of the warrior code, will back off. That is your chance to slash at their face as you leap back up to fight, or make a run for it. "If you are fighting a rogue, don't do this. They will most likely kill you seeing that you are weaken."

Scruff Shake:

Fasten your fangs around the back of your foe's neck. Shake viciously and throw them. That should shake up and confuse the foe or, if your foe is a rat or smaller might kill.

Teeth Grip:

Fasten fangs into your foe's extremities; legs, tail, ear, neck, or scruff. Firmly hold, this allows you to use your claws in the fight and your foe to be trapped.

Upright Lock:

Final crushing attack on a weaken foe. Tower over the foe, with your blacklegs stand up and knock them over. If the foe fights back, wrestle it out until you come out on top. When the foe is pinned down, beware of the belly rake attack.

"Willow's Gut Slasher":

An attack developed by Willowstar. Race at the sides of your foe, slash out a claws at the foe's back leg causing them to fall. While the foe is knocked down, ram into them drilling your claws into their soft under belly. This is a fight stopper, the foe will be badly weakened and weary after the loss of blood.

Claw Sprain:

Ideal for the start of the fight to prevent your foe from fighting with their claws. Ram into your foe, using the upright lock to pin them down. Using your front paws, claws unsheathed, pin them down by their neck. That will threaten them from moving, then with your back claws, unsheathed, dig into their paws. Twist claws to weaken the foe more.

"Snake's Trick":

Ideal for the end of a fight. Act like a weaken cat, stay on guard and don't seem like your dying. When a cat faces you, have another cat leap at them pinning them down by hooking their claws into their shoulders. Then you can lash your claws across their face, severe blood loss from this attack could make the cat retreat.


Ideal for swift cats. Charge at the foe, raking your claws at the foe's flank. That should cause the cat to topple over, roll and wrestle with the foe. Slash the foe's flank rapidly as you roll, that should cause the cat to seem like there is too much to fight; even though its just the same attack used over and over again.


Ideal for fighting off many cats at once. Rake your claws at the foe's sides, kicking them back if ended to keep them at bay. Don't use much effort in this attack, if you do you will be tired out easily. Repeat the basic attack, like the Flank-Roll the cats will slowly seem like there is too much to fight off; even though its once one basic attack used swiftly.

"Red's Tail-Trash":

Ideal for large cats. Fasten your fangs into the foe's tail. Trash and pull your head back; that should cause the cat to lose its balance and you'll pull back at the foe's spine making them fell uncertain.


Ideal for fighting off massive waves of cats or a foe that seems to be going in for a certain attack, never giving up. Kick away the foe, sending them into an object. (Tree, rock, ground, into a gorge, into a river, into some brambles etc.) That should keep them away, and the impact of the object should daze them.

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