.:Herbs; Part 1:.

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Welcome to the guide, here you shall learn all about the ways of a medicine cat and more...

Alder Bark:

Description: Bark of an alder tree.

Location: Bogs, marshes, wet lands, and shores.

Chewed- Helps with tooth aches.


Description: Leafy, green, and tall-growing plants with three leaves.

Location: Almost anywhere with a mild climate and Two-leg fields.


Eaten: Leaves can be eaten to strength a cat and help them grow.

Chewed: Leaves are chewed to prevent tooth decay.

Aloe Vera:

Description: Short growing, tuft of spiny leaves.

Location: Warm, dry areas. May be found in two-leg dens.


Eaten: Very small amounts may be eaten, may cause diarrhea, to help over-weight cats and fight colds.

Rubbed: Leaves are broken and the juices are rubbed on sore and burns to treat them.

Anise Seeds:

Description: Round, medium sized, brown seeds that look like small wheels from a green, leafy plant. The leaves are broad and a bit waxy.

Location: Deciduous woodlands.


Eaten: Eases coughs and indigestion.

Chewed: Helps bad breath.

Ash Tree (Shoots):

Description: Bark is a pale gray-brown, and gains fissure over time. Easily identifiable in Leaf-bare by the smooth twigs, with black leaf buds.

Location: Ash trees grow in cool and warm areas with moist, well drained soil.


Chewed: Small branches from the tree can be chewed into a fine paste and applied to wounds to treat poison.


Description: Waxy, green, leaves that have a strong scent. Small, purple flowers, are sometimes found on top.

Location: Two-leg gardens, they are very hard to find in the wild.


Eaten- Leaves and stems may be eaten to treat upset stomachs, kidney problems, worms, and colds.

Chewed- Leaves and stems are chewed and applied to poisons such as snake bites.


Description: A sturdy, vertical plated tree with broad leaves with teeth. Flowers form in Green-Leaf.

Location: Some forests and open areas.


Eaten- Flowers are eaten to treat fevers, colds, head aches, white and green cough along with strengthening the liver.


Description: A thick overgrowth of small, round, green-leafed plants with light pink bell shaped flowers and red berries.

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