.:Herbs; Part 2:.

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Mallow Leaves:

Description: Large fuzzy three-nubbed leaves from a shrub, sweet scent. Many pink-purple veined flowers.

Location: Grows near shores.

Eaten- Flowers and leaves can ease bellyaches, treat colds, obesity, and breathing.
Chewed: Flowers and leaves are chewed into a paste and applied to wounds to heal quicker.  Paste can be applied to swollen skin, rashes, and burns. Also treat toothaches and clean teeth.

Maple Tree Bark:

Description: A light brown, rough bark from a maple tree; a tree with five-pointed leaves.

Location: Deciduous forests.


Chewed- Bark is chewed into a fine paste, can wake up cats if tasted. Taking in small amounts can improve eyesight.


Description: Low growing flower, yellowish-orange color

Location: Near water.

Chewed- Petals and leaves are chewed into a poultice, juice can be used too.  When applied to wounds stops infection, bleeding, and stiff joints.

Milk Thistle:

Description: A tall growing plant with tall, spiny leaves with white-veins. A purple thistle on top, the leaves ooze a milky-sap.

Location: Almost everywhere, grows best away from water.


Eaten: Leaves are eaten to treat mysterious-liver-lumps and to fight poisoning.

Chewed: Leaves are chewed; their juices can soothe swollen skin and sores.

Milk vetch:

Description: A small, tall growing hairy stemmed plant that matures in leaf-fall

Location: Sandy, dry areas

Eaten- Roots can be eaten in small amounts to improve hearing, diabetes, and chest pains.
Mixture- Can be mixed with feverfew to lessen the chance of heart attacks, lung and kidney lumps, and cure green, white, and yellow cough. 


Description: A tall growing green-plant with small flowers. Flowers vary depending on the location.

Location: Some forests and open fields

Other: Leaves are rolled around in to treat sores and burns. Keep away from the face and kits. Eating this herb will cause poisoning and the cat will die.


Description: Sharp scent, leaf with flowers from purple to yellow.

Location: Lush forests.

Rubbed- on dead bodies to mask the smell.

Mouse Bile:

Description: Green substance from the mouse's liver. Bad smelling. Bad taste.

Location: Under the mouse's liver; where ever you can hunt mice.

Other- Bile is extracted from a mouse. Wet bile on moss and rub on tick infected fur. Bugs and ticks die off, wash paws in running water or with wild garlic.

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