Glitter~(Jonh x reader)

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You sigh looking at the sky. It was a fairly nice day contrasting your rather depressed mood and even made you feel a bit better.

The sun was about half way through the sky suggesting it was around noon or so. The sky was bright blue with a few white clouds scattered throughout but nonetheless it was breathtakingly beautiful.

'Heh I can't believe I put up with that asshole so long that I forgot how beautiful the sky is.' You thought as you your stroll around the park.

Until you remembered 'I might have left that hell but now where do I go?' Your thoughts were interrupted by a boy with blue pajamas making silly faces at you.

"What are you doing?" You ask trying to keep yourself from smiling and failing miserably.

"Oh god. You can see me?" He asked stopping with the funny faces and while a blush a embarrassment creeped up across his face.

"Ya, why wouldn't I?" You asked while taking the time to look at the boy properly.

He had a symbol on his blue pajamas that looked kinda like wind and a long sock like hat that reached all the way to the floor. His black hair stuck up in different angles and made him look a little childish. He had bucked teeth that stuck out slightly out of his mouth and behind a pair of square black rimed glasses were a pair or the most gorgeous blue eyes you've ever seen.

"Ummm" he said and snapped you out of your trance. "Can you follow me? I need to where people won't be giving you weird stares." He asked and you nodded.

We walked for about ten minutes until we reached a nice two story home and walked inside.

"So what did you want to tell me?" You asked trying to get the awkward atmosphere out of the air and get straight to the point.

"Ummm...myfriendsandIplayedagameanddestoyedtheworldbutsomeofusgotsuperpowersandmadeanewuniverse" he said rushing.


He sighed. "My friends and I played a game and it destroyed the world. But some of us got superpowers and made a new universe."

"Soooo, you're superpower is invisibility to everyone but me?" You said skeptically.

"No just when we wear our godtier clothes we are invisible to everyone but other people wearing godteir clothes." He explained.

You decided to just nod. Was else could you do? He didn't seem to be lying and people were giving you weird looks when you talked to the 'air'.

He grinned and I smiled going along with his happy go lucky attitude.

~time skip 3 months~

After telling him about leaving your apartment that you shared with your ass of a lover John had let you stay at his house. You had told many times you could find your own place but he said 'he would be lonely' or 'I need to make sure you don't tell anyone the secret' so you stayed and would clean and cook a bit so you didn't feel like a free loader.

You were humming a song and making some chicken when you heard some sound coming from above you. You looked down at your feet to see a trip wire that you were stepping on. 'Well, shit' You thought as you waited for the water to crash on your head but instead glitter came pouring down covering you from head to toe.

"Jonathan Eggbert!" You yelled knowing he was close-by silently laughing his ass off. Due to it being Saturday you knew he would be bored and pull a prank but glitter!?! Water was so much easier to clean and glitter for some dumb reason stayed on your face awhile even after you wash it multiple times.

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