John x OC (Qullie Lejion)

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This story is for Rose_bud12 she was a really good sport. Despite of all of the delays she didn't complain and was sweet. <3

'Oh what a pretty butterfly' you think as you stare at its orange fluttering wings. What was the name of that type again? Oh yeah monarch! Its a monarch butterfly.'

Your blue tail ,that you got from your mom, bounces as you walk with a spring in your step towards the pretty butterfly.

"Qullie! Where are you going?!" John asks while grabbing you from the dark purple scarf around your neck.

"Ow I was just following the monarch butterfly and John don't pull me from my scarf I'm not a pet on a leash!" You say undoing the scarf and fixing it loosely back in its proper fashion.

"Oops but you get distracted and wander off all the time so you need a leash!" He said laughing.

You laugh along with him. You couldn't help it something about his blue eyes and buck teeth made him impossible to get mad at. Not to mention how he's funny and-


Dammit you were staring him again weren't you?

"Sorry I was spacing out" you say while giggling awkwardly.

"Hmm... race you to the house!" He says with a dorky smile and ran off ahead.

"What?! That's cheating!" You say laughing and running after him.

When you reached the house John was there waiting with a smug look on his face.

"I win~."

"Yeah yeah" you say while getting out your keys from the pocket in your shorts.

You hear a bad attempt to hold in a giggle while you turn the lock.

Hmmm you grab Johns's arm a push him into the door while turning the handle. A bucket of water falls from above unto the prankster.

You laugh "nice try john!"


You grab his arm and lead him to your restroom. "Here clean yourself up while I get some popcorn for the movie"

*Johns POV*

You get a towel out of the cabinet and start toweling your hair. Now that you think about it you usually don't go into Qullie's room. You wonder what she's hiding.

You give a mischievous smile and look around. Now if you were Qullie and had something to hide where would it be?

The closet!

You open the door to the closet and turn on the light...

There was a college of the the pictures you guys ever took together as well as things that you gave her! You feel your face heat up.

*Qullie POV*

You walk to your room with some pjs john had left last time he came over. When you open the door you see john staring at your mini shrine for him...

Oh shit

You turns to look at you and you blush from embarrassment.

"Umm...H-here" you say holding out the clothes to the dripping mess.

"Qullie what is this?"


He walks towards you and pats your head softy. Your eyes widen.

"A bit extreme way of telling me you like me but that's just like you" he says then kisses your forehead.


"I like you too"

He then kisses you slowly with longing. You kiss back copying his movements. You smile into the kiss and pull back for air.

"You don't know how long I've waited for that" you two say together.

"..." you stare at each other for a second then break into laughter.

"Let's go watch that movie" he says smiling.

"Sure but don't you want to change first?" You say still holding the pjs you had brought.

"Haha Oh right"

"And you say I'm distracted" you laugh "now go to the restroom to change I want to grab a more comfortable pair of shorts"

A few minutes later John comes out in his pjs he walks over to you and grabs your hand intertwining your fingers with his.

You smile and both of walk out of the room together.

":33 < oh my god finally! i thought my ship was never going to sail :33" nepeta fangirls.

"Mom!" You yell embarrassed while John laughs awkwardly.

":33 < hehe don't worry it's purrfectly fine with me. i'm going to equius' house today anyway." Nepeta says while grabbing a bag and leaving.

"Umm.. should we watch that movie now?" You say sitting on the couch.

"Sure" John says smiling and sitting next to you.

You put on a movie and lean on John's shoulder. He shifts so you're leaning on his chest and hugs you. You smile and look up to see him looking straight at you.

You give him a quick kiss then look back to the movie. He hugs you tighter and kissing your head.

"You're so cute" he mumbles into your hair.

You don't look up because you know that an olive blush has found it way to your cheeks.

He smiled again and both of you continue watching the movie until you fall asleep. He carefully carries you to your room and unto your bed then lays down next to you~

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