Apple sauce: Dave X OC (Zephia Europa)

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This story is a request from the lovely Annie_Crystal  Very sweet and very supportive and well I'm just happy that this story was made }:)          <3 u

You are Zephia Europa, the heir of light, a young troll of 7 sweeps. You looked around your surroundings at the beautiful cave you've stumbled on. Ancient marking on the walls telling the story of the civilization before you. You stared at one in particular with your large eyes. Wondering many things. Why did these people carve into the stone and not paint like other civilizations? Did they realize that the paint would fade or where they unable to make paints? Why is the man holding the sharp object in such a way? Why in that angle? How-

"Zephia you've been staring at that marking for half an hour already lets leave," A voice spoke behind you.

You flinch slightly and turn.

"5orry Dave" you muttered looking into his eyes through his unneeded shades.

"It's ok. But it's so dark this lantern isn't giving enough light I almost tripped a while ago." Dave complained.

Usually he wouldn't have added that last bit but since you two were moirails he allowed himself to be slightly uncool.

"May6e if you weren't u5ing tho5e dum6 5hade5 of your5" you retorted with a slight giggle.

Dave smiled hearing your laugh. He thought is was the cutest thing in the world. A little child-like giggle that contrasted your usually serious personality.

"Nah that would be so uncool." He said reaching up to his shades and adjusting them.

You rolled your eyes and decide to take a picture with your troll phone so you can analyze it later.

"You done?"

Ye5 Dave I'm done" you replied sarcastically.


You both walk through the cave some more before reaching the opening. Outside the sky had already gotten dark and the stars illuminated the sky. The wind picked up swaying your long bob hair style around but you couldn't care less as you stared at the stars' patterns and the trees leaves for a second taking in the beauty of nature and all of her creations.

"Ok which way?" Dave asked.

"I don't know." You stated still mesmerized.

"What do you mean?"

"I ju5t wandered here. You're the silly one who decided to follow me. I really don't under5tand why though. Oh look Dave that bird ju5t returned to it5 ne5t where all her littl-"

"Seriously Zephia! This again?"

"5orry. I'm ram6ling aren't I?"

"No i mean about get the both of us lost."

"Oh! It'5 alright. I'm lucky. I'll get u5 out."

Dave sighed but followed you anyway. Why did he agree to do this again?

Oh yeah because he was planning on asking you to be his girlfriend when you reached his house.

You walked aimlessly around staring at various things and analyzing. Talking and talking to no end about what you observed causing Dave to give an unamused stare and making you stop. It was a bad habit of yours where you talked way too long and it would go on forever if not stopped.

You looked at Dave one more time to see him sigh.

Why did Dave ask me to meet him today? Usually he would not go outside much. Is today a special day that he actually willing to come? Oh no is it one of those earth birthdays?! Wait no, that's not today. I really hope it isn't something I forgot...

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