Tavros x blind!OC(Music Oliver Night)

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Another story for my friend -MusicStrider- Thank u soooo much for requesting again hope u like it~


You hug your bear tighter still wondering if you should go over to Tavros yet. He seemed to be more confident now with his robot legs and you don't know how to approach him. Not like you would know where he was being blind and all. Sometimes you wish were like Terezi at least she can smell what others see.

Luckily or maybe unluckily you hear Tavros decided to come to you himself. With a smile on his face he ran to you but ended up tripping on the way.

"Omg! Tavros are you ok?" You yell around you not sure where he was.

" yA, i'M, uHH FINE MUSE" He says getting up. You go towards his voice.

"You sure? Are hurt anywhere."

"jUST A SCRATCH" He replies grabbing your hand and moving to his face where you felt a cut on his cheek.

"Do you want me to treat it?" You ask nervously. It is kind of your fault so you feel responsible.

"uHH, yoU DON'T HAVE TO, iF YOU DON'T WANT TO" He replies. You smile at him. It's no wonder you fell red for him he's so sweet...something you're not used to.

"It's ok come on." You put a hand on the wall and motion for him to follow you into your room on the meteor which you memorized by the feel of the walls.

"oH, wAIT" He turns and speed walks into his room and comes back with...you don't know what it is but it jingles while it moves. You give him a questioning look. Tavros hands you the item and you feel it. From what you can tell it was a little stuffed cow with horns just like his and a collar with a bell on it.

Your eyes widen and you smile the biggest smile your have in a long time. You lead him to your room making sure you didn't touch him. You didn't want him to get hurt...

At your room you take out the first aid kit. Really all he needs was a bandaid so you rummage around until you fide one. It is an orange/brown color and has music notes on it although you wouldn't know that do to your blindness.

You lean forward and feel around gently for the cut. Once you find it you place the bandaid gently on the wound and smile. You feel breathing on your face and your hands that were still on Tavros' face were burning. Was he blushing? You imagine Tavros before the accident and when his face flushed orange at moments. You in turn realize how close you are to him and you blush dark gray which can only be accomplished by your black blood. You lean back and grab the cow hugging it.

"m-mUSIC?" Tavros says shocked. You feel his staring.

"I...umm...have black blood?" You say focusing your thought to the cow in your hands playing with it. For once you're happy you're blind so you don't have to look at the disgusted look on his face you're sure he has.

You wait for him to leave, yell, do something...but he doesn't he sits there looking at you patiently.

"...I'm...different than other people..." You pause he lays his land on yours to show he's listening.

"I'm different but it's not just my blood...I can control water...I'm not sure if one day I might hurt you so...its ok if you don't want to ever talk to me again." You shake your head successfully getting your hair to cover face and start shaking.

You feel arms wrap around you slowly and gently but they had a sense of safety in them. Tavros is hugging you his face hidden in the nook of your neck.

"nEVER" He says into your hair. It makes you smile and cry tears of happiness.He sees this and let goes.

"sORRY...i DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU CRY..." He says frantically.

"It's ok" You grin.




"Yep" You say and make the the water from a cup nearby float and change to a star.

"cOOL" Tavros exclaimed like a wriggler in a grub sauce store. You wish you could see his face.

You smile to yourself as you make more shapes in the air.

When you get a feeling that this would be the perfect time to tell him.

You get both your bear and the stuffed cow and hug them to your chest as you make the words 'I'm flushed for you' in the water.

You then stand up and try to find the door to walk out...why couldn't you have been deaf instead?

You never reached the door instead you feel face first on the floor...damn it so close!

You try to get up but you're dizzy... turns out even though you're strong when it comes to your powers the truth is you bruise easily.

Tavros runs over to you and picks you up gently but you don't stand up. Instead you slump down and crawl into a nearby corner.

You sit there holding both stuffed animals wishing that he had blinked when you made the words.

You close your eyes. Yes you couldn't see anything through them anyway but it made you feel safer when you did.

You sit there in silence for a while thinking of why you would tell him in the first place. I mean did your mom ever show any love to your father? Or you for that matter? Heh what a joke all her abuse is what made you blind in the first place.

"SE mUSE? aRE YOU THERE?" Tavros asks quietly.



Your eyes widen and you try to find your voice. "r-really?"


You feel the chains you put around your heart unravel slowly and your heart is pounding. And the most amazing thing happens right then Tavros, the guy who you always thought was out of your league, kisses you!

It lasts for a few seconds like he feels any longer would break you like glass. But it's sweet and he tastes like chocolate. You love chocolate!

You suddenly feel something in your eyes. It's hard to explain. It feels like a gust of wind and sunlight started covering your eyes from one corner to the other.

When you open you see!...

You see Tavros with his adorable worried face and large bull like horns. You see the look in his sparkling eyes that seem to hold all the answers to the world's problems.

You smile. You smile so big it probably looks way too big for your face but you don't care. You can see!

"uHH, mUSE ARE YOU, uHH OK?...wAS I NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT?...I'M SORRY.." Tavros says nervously. You snap out of your trance and tackle-hug him.

"Thank you! Thank you!" You thank him. You're not sure if it's for healing your blindness or liking you back. Probably both.


"Tavros! I can see now!" You practically scream which never happens judging by your shy personality.

Now it was his turn to be surprised. In the heat of the moment he kisses you again. This time your not as shocked and start kissing him hesitantly. He wraps his arms around your waist and slowly pulls you more into the kiss. Then the stuffed cow that was on your lap also moves and the sound of the bell scares both of you.

Both of you start laughing and Tavros pulls you into his lap then put both of the stuffed animals into your lap next to each other. In his lap you fel very safe and start to dift off...

As you fall asleep you feel glad for all the things you had to get through to get to where you are now. That all the long lost dreams and broken hearts had led you to him were worth it.

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