Sollux X OC ( Kyvire Conzas)

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This story is for NepetaLeijonn  it was sweet that she personally messaged me to ask if I was still writing. We were able to discuss things easier and I personally thought of her as being adorable. This is for you }:) <3

"kyviire why do ii have two go out2iide and watch tho2e human2? ii much rather 2tay iin2iide and play viideo game2!" Sollux whined with his usual lisp.

You rolled your eyes at your flush crus-you mean friend...yeah that's exactly what you even in your thoughts you aren't smooth.

He was the one who suggested since watching the humans was so interesting to you. Just the fact that they didn't have different colored blood and didn't have to kill each other because of it was so fascinating. Also this strange aspect of parents definitely something to find out more about and the one way to do that was to watch them and interact with them.

"You Offered" You yelled while jumping on a rock to cross a small stream, hoping that your hair didn't cause you to misstep. It was fairly short but longer on the right side and covered your eyes.

You moved it for a bit so you could get a better view on the beautiful landscape.

You loved to be outside. Something about it caused you to be at ease and think better. This was known by Sollux and was the only reason he allowed himself to go even remotely near the sun.

"that'2 becau2e your paniic attack wa2 wor2e than u2ual. ii couldn't 2tand watchiing you freak out liike that, ii wii2h iit would 2top" He said with a sincerity that made you stop and smile at him while blushing a shade of Cyan.

He was right this episode was worse than usual and even caused you to cry which is something that you tried to avoid at any cost. But they're necessary for you.

"How 3ls3 Would I Feel @live? If Th3 Living Don't Feel Th3n How Do They Know Th3y @ren't D3@d? It's Not On Purpose 3ith3r Its Just My Body Reminding M3 I'm Still H3r3." You rambled while walking to your journaling tree.

You sensed that Sollux wasn't following you so you turned to look at him. The wind blew his hair and his glasses were sliding slightly so you could see his beautiful mismatched red and blue eyes, if it wasn't for the look he was giving you would have blushed again.

"H3h3 I W@s R@mbling @bout Life @nd D3@th @g@in W@sn't I?" You said awkwardly.

"ye2" He said annoyed.

"W3ll Th@t's Just Who I @m. You C@n't Judg3 M3 Mr. Bipol@r P@nts" You said rolling your eyes.

"ii can't help iit!" Sollux said bitterly while walking up to you. "and anyway diidn't you get that "Feeling Of B3ing @liv3" duriing the game when all we were doiing was tryiing two 2tay aliive?!"

Well here we go, Sollux was flipping his shit...again.

"Sure But How Would I Know That I Didn't Di3 Y3st3rday @nd This Is @ Dr3@m Bubbl3?"


"What Proof Do You H@v3 Th@t This Right Now Isn't @ Dr3@m Bubbl3?"


"See You C@n't @nswer But I C@n B3c@us3 I F3lt Th3 Diff3r3nc3. Th3 Feeling I Got This Morning Was Too P@inful To Not B3 R3@l." You tried to say seriously but your expression showed sadness.

*Sollux POV*

'Fuck  what can I even say in this situation?!' Sollux thought.

"there are le22 paiinful way2 two feel aliive" Sollux's mouth said without the consent of his brain.

Although it was true what was he going to do if you asked what those things were?

"Lik3 What?" You questioned.

...See this is why thinking before speaking is important!

There was a way that he could show you but it was risky because he didn't know if his feeling would be reciprocated.

Sollux moved despite that logic flaw and cupped your cheeks.

You would have let out a confused 'huh?' but you didn't have the time because Sollux kissed you before you could even pronounce the f.

He wasn't sure why he was being so reckless today. Going outside despite there being video games inside and now kissing you. This was really out of character for him...but he enjoyed it.

*Your POV*

Your pupils dilated and stared at his closed eyes. The kiss made your insides tingle with some sort of electricity which was probably adrenaline which found its way into your stomach. It formed into a million butterflies bouncing off the sides on your stomach.

At this point you realized that you were focused too much on what was happening and finally kissed back. Slow and nervous but somehow still containing passion.

When you parted for air you heard a similar G4SP from behind you. You jumped back and twisted to grab your blade that had been connected to your arm with straps and held it in front of you.

"H3H3 1 SM3LL SOM3 M1X3D COLORS, LOOKS L1K3 YOU GOT WH4T YOU W4NT3D R1GHT K1V1R3?" Terezi said sniffing and "OH 4R3 YOU 3MB4RR4SS3D?! >:D"

"T3r3zi!!" You screamed blushing so much that you could be from the smurfs...well you were more teal than bright blue...either way the point was you blushed so much that it was hard to find your usual light grey skin on even your neck and ears.

You strapped your weapon back on its place on your arm. Even though you wanted to hurt your moirail for teasing you the blade was a bit much. You hit her "lightly" on the head (which caused a small H3Y! from said moirail) you also pushed Sollux a bit further back since he was still only two inches from your face.

You heard Sollux mumble something and look down but it was hard to tell what he had said.

"Wh@t @r3 You Mumbling @bout?" You said your arm still raised to bonk Terezi of the head again if she commented something else embarrassing.

"that tz 2houldn't have iinterrupted our moment" He said pulling you back to the same distance as before and keeping his arm on your lower waist.


"W@it Wh@t Do You M3@n "GOOD LUCK"?! @nd Sollux You're Too Clos3-"

Sollux interrupts you with another kiss. You wanted to protest but instead decided to kiss him back.

"He is going to have to spend all day watching the humans with me without complaining." You thought while kissing with more confidence this time.

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