Karkat x OC (Abby Strider)

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Request given by my sister known as Abby_smiles. Thank you for the request, love you! <3😆

My yellow orbs scanned the bustling street and sidewalk surrounding me. I carefully avoided crashing into anything with my skateboard.

You probably think that I must suck at skateboarding if I have to be careful but if your in the center on Houston, Texas on a Friday evening there's more than enough obstacles in the way. Really even I'm surprised I didn't bump into anything especially with these shades on.

But it's Strider code to wear your shades on at all times except when showering or sleeping. But even then it's a rule to keep your shades about an arms reach away.

But I still love Dirk...or Bro anyway. He doesn't allow us to call him anything else. Another Strider Code just like rapping and irony.

...Although I can't really rap and their type irony is really weird...Anyway... that's not the point I'm just striding along like all Striders are known to do sometimes with one of Dave's remixes blasting threw my headphones.

When reach the apartment building I wonder how many smuppet asses I will have to pass by before getting to my room. Given that I actually get there and Bro doesn't kidnap me for one of his anime marathons.

Luckily it seemed as if Dave was entertaining him on the roof so I could make my way to only have to see only around seven smuppets lying around.

I wondered what the special occasion was... usually there'd be more.

I got in my room and flicked on the light switch instantly illuminating the room. I gasp as I see a note stuck on the wall with the words.

'Dress up. Meet in living room at six. We're doing this it's Halloween.'

'Damn!' I muttered knowing underneath the note there would a box with either a cosplay or a girly outfit.

I hope that it's cosplay. I hate girly things.

Turns out it was neither options. It was simply a leather jacket and leather jeans with some high heeled boots.

I quickly changed in front of a full length mirror and put a yellow tank top under the jacket and my shades back on.

My shades were basically the same as Dave's only mine had yellow rims instead to differentiate from his. They also matched my blond hair that reached mid-length but curled in cascades that made it seem like it reached a little below my shoulders.

I was snapped out of my reflection when I heard a knock at the door. I turn to see Bro at the door his face a frown.

"What?" I sigh

"You're not wearing the bow" He whines.

I grimaced. Bro and his dumb attempts to get me to act more like a girl. "You know I hate bows." I say simply.

He grunts "Fine. But get out here already the party started ten minutes ago."

"I know." I respond causally. "I wanted to be fashionably late."

He rolls his eyes at me and leaves the room me walking behind him.

When we get to the living room my eyes instantly dart to a short troll boy yelling at Dave on top of the coach.

I smirked and used my ninja skills to get behind the yelling troll without being heard or seen by anyone (Except Dave) and kicked him making him fall on the floor.

I laughed along with everyone else as the troll got up with the help of Gamzee.

"WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK WAS THAT FOR!" The troll yells, face red from anger.

"Had to help my bro out." I respond my face still a smirk.

He looks from me to Dave and back. He opens his mouth but Dave interrupts. "Karkat meet my sister Abby"

I stretch out my hand out for him to shake but he just stares at it.

Well now I know why Dave never invited him over.

"CoMe On KaRbRo ShE's NiCe WhEn YoU gEt To KnOw HeR." Gamzee said.

Karkat still didn't do anything. Gamzee pouted and picked Karkat up onto his shoulder. He started walking towards my room and motioned for me to follow.

I shrugged used to Gamzee's shenanigans and followed the clown into my room.

I sat on my bed as Gamzee put Karkat down.


"wEeL yOu WeRe BeInG mEaN sO i FiGuReD yOu AnD aBbY-sIs ShOuLd GeT aWaY fRoM tHe NoIsE tO lEt ThE mIrAcLe Of FrIeNdShIp TaKe PlAcE. hOnK."

He turned,left, and locked the door quickly before Karkat could protest. Something told me they known each other for a long time.

I sighed and laid down on the bed closing my eyes.

"How did you get those scars?" Karkat asked quietly.

I would have been surprised that he could actually say a sentence without screaming it if not for the fact that he mentioned scars.

I noticed that not only had I forgotten to put on my usual leather gloves that hid a small scar on my palm but also that my stomach was showing revealing a large bumpy purple scar running from one of my hips to the other crossing my bellybutton.

My face turned red as I sat up and turned away from him. Now I knew why he had stared at my hand earlier.

"Sorry,didn't mean to pry." he said from behind me.

I sighed he already saw them he might as well know. "I was walking across the street when a car passed a red light and crashed into the car behind me...I was squished in between...they said it was a miracle that I even survived... but I did get stitches and I still have the scars"

I felt his eyes staring right at me from behind and heard him shift. What I didn't expect was him to wrap his arms around me. Then I couldn't take it anymore and I started crying I really don't know why but I just felt like crying.

I don't know when but I stopped crying and fell asleep but when I woke up I saw him sleeping next to me.

I leaned down slowly and kissed his forehead. He shifted closer to me and smiled still sleeping peacefully. I felt my cheeks heat up and my lip tugging up in a smile as I laid down next to him.

~The end~

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