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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

"are we sure about this?" Sarah whispered into lizzies ear as they walked toward the widows house.

Lizzie walked away not giving the girl an answer making Sarah turn too the girls beside her and stare at them in shock.

eve grabbed both of they're hands and dragged them toward lizzie

"I'm scared sarah" eve admitted as they walked around all of the stuff that was placed around her tent.

"it's okay" she whispered back to her sister as she tightly gripped both hers and Hannah's hand

lizzie held the cloth up for the girls causing them to rush in one by one before she placed it back down

"widow Mary?" lizzie spoke out as she walked further into the tent.

"widow Mary?" she said louder before smirking lizzie turned around and looked at the girls excitedly.

"shes not here, find the berries" she pulled another cloth up and walked out with Hannah following her.

eve jumped at the crow that cawed beside her, her heart beat rapidly

"Sarah?" She whispered out as she tiptoed past the crow

"look" Sarah grabbed ahold of her wrist and dragged her toward a chest.

"what is it?"

Sarah opened the chest revealing a book both girls looked at each other before pulling the book out.

Sarah placed the book on the table and opened it slowly, the book creaked loudly making eve wince at the noise

both eve and Sarah gasped as they flipped through the pages of the cursed book.

"simple exchange?" eve whimpered out as she stared at the book with wide eyes "what does it mean sarah?"

"Abbadon..." her words came out as a raspy whisper, eves breath got caught in her throat as she nervously looked around the tent

"Azazel...." eve tried to close the book but sarah stopped her by pushing her arm away, her finger continued to follow the words of the book.

she continued to murmur the cursed words making eves eyes gloss over.

"Satan" eve snapped her head at the movement she heard from beside the two

"don't" both girls jumped up at the voice before turning around quickly

"Widow" Sarah gasped loudly at the women

"The veil has grown thin with the turn of the moon, and with it the morning star rises" she slowly walked toward them as they took steps back

"Beware the devil, he lives in that book" she warned "he calls to you from it" eve gasps as she watched the widow grab Sarah's knife and bring it up to her face

"he senses you now, and if you're not careful, he'll bore himself beneath your skin" blood dripped down sarahs face she hissed in pain when she felt the widow push harder on the knife

𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘀; 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗲✔︎Where stories live. Discover now