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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

Evelyn woke up bright and early, she packed her stuff up and left the house, she planned on staying on her own from now on.

she closed the door behind her as quietly as she could, her shoes crunched into the leaves that were scattered on the ground.

she walked a few miles down, branches scratched at her bare arms, the wind picked up along the way, she shivered slightly as a gust of wind slapped her in the face.

she stumbled upon widows tent, she smiled and walked in, she saw the disintegrating women on the ground, a smell of death and rotting skin filled the tent, tears sprung on her brown eyes and made their way down her Carmel skin.

she choked out a sob, feeling horrible for her, she then grabbed a shovel and walked out of the tent, she found a nice spot and started digging, her hands blistered but she still kept digging until there was a big enough hole for the widow.

she walked back into the tent, her arms lifted up the sheet, she placed the sheet around widows body and then dragged her by her legs out of the tent.

she stopped when she made it to the hole in the ground, grunting as she lifted up the widows limp body, she placed her body down as softly as she could.

"I'm sorry" she whispered before picking up the shovel, she covered her body with the dirt she had dug up, memories of her burying Sarah flashed in her mind.

Once her body was fully covered with the dirt she grabbed a few large sticks, Evelyn made a makeshift cross and started carving into it.

she then placed the cross on the widows grave but flipped it upside down knowing that the widow would've appreciated that much more then a normal cross.

Eve walked back into the tent with a small smile playing on her lips, she grabbed a small blanket and shoved it into her tote, along with a few small knifes and some medicines just in case.

a tarp was laid out on the ground in front of her, she felt bad but placed it in her tote anyway, after she got everything she needed Eve left the tent for good not daring to look back, she walked away from union.

her body shook with sobs, she didn't want to leave but she couldn't stand to look at Solomon or anyone else anymore, all of those people except her friends had pitched in to find and kill her little sister.

an open area in the woods had caught the girls attention, she smiled and placed her stuff down on the ground, she grabbed the tarp and a few metal sticks she had found laying around the widows tent.

she attached the tarp to the tree by sticking the metal sticks through the hole, she then made it so that the tarp was stable enough to hold any rain that would fall onto it.

she crawled into the small space and sighed, she would go back home tomorrow and grab more of her things and some food, she needed to build an actual tent not just a tarp.

she placed the blanket down on the ground along with the small lantern she had stolen from the widow, the cold floor made goosebumps erupt on her skin.

her Carmel cheeks begun to slowly become numb, she shivered but laid down, the girl had gone through so much in such a short amount of time and now she was all alone again.

she feared that if she went back Solomon would hurt her like he did with Sarah, she couldn't see him again, not after that.

she wanted to scream and cry but she couldn't find the energy to do so, hopefully everyone would just forget about her and go on with their life but knowing Solomon, he wouldn't stop looking until he found her.

her eyes closed tightly, she oddly felt comforted by the sound of the crickets, she usually hated them but now she was starting to enjoy the little things in life.

She promised herself she wouldn't take anything for granted anymore, not after Sarah, not after Henry and certainly not after her father, she expected him to be the last man standing, he was strong willed and a good father to Henry and Sarah.

she would never forget what he did to her but she could forgive and she was done holding grudges against people, she wanted to let it all go and forgive, the past is the past, the future is what she was worried about.

she often noticed herself thinking about what the future has to offer for her, what's in store for her? Or what's life gonna be like in five years.

she wanted to be happy and free and she never felt that way in union, she felt held back and sad, she never knew why but now she did, the evil lived in union.

Solomon goode is evil, he is the evil that union had encountered, but she couldn't tell anyone she loved him far too much.

she wishes she could just tell everyone that Solomon goode made a deal with the devil, but no one would believe her.

Solomon was praised and loved in union, her being Sarah's sister would only make it worse.

𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘀; 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗲✔︎Where stories live. Discover now