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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘅

"the dark one has come!" eve was watching mad Thomas go on about the devil being brought to union as most people watched some villagers reel up what was in our water well.

"To harvest the bitter fruit of the evil we have sown, to feast on our misdeeds."

"And yet you all smile,blind to the horrors around us, but you see it now, don't you?" his smile dripped with sarcasm making shivers run down eves spine as he walked toward her.

"he blocks our well, clogs it with our sin." his finger was pointed directly in the brunette girls face as the two held eye contact.

"It's stuck!" A man exclaimed from behind Thomas making him spin around and continue on his little speech.

"he takes our water, he takes our life blood." Eve watched Sarah walk past mad Thomas and make her way over towards her before stopping beside her.

"Whats happened? What's going on here?" Sarah questioned.

"the buckets caught on something." she replied as her hard gaze fell back onto mad Thomas, grunts could be heard from the three men who were pulling out what was in our well.

"it rises!"

"yeah,let it go" the men watched as the rope pulled it out "it's coming!" mad Thomas jogged to where they were.

everyone's attention was on the well as whatever was in there was being lifted up.

"A dead dog is in the well!!" Women scream from around them as both fier sisters look at each other in shock.

"our water! It's poisoned" eve gasped as she watched merry boy being pulled out of the well that they drink water from.

"Oh god!" she exclaimed loudly.

"merryboy..." Sarah gasped out.

"See? You have already drunk from the cup of darkness" Thomas cried out.

"this is the work of the devil, he has come to stake our land!" everyone had stopped to listen to mad Thomases words all attention now on him and his crazy antics.

"Who among you has welcomed the devil to union? Whos lust? Whos SIN?" his eyes pierced through both eve and Sarah's skin.

"oh foolish union..." elijah started to walk toward eve but was stopped by thomas placing a hand on his chest.

"the devil has come, and casy hid darkness over us, and his Darkness grows within each of us.. Like a rot." said thomas as he chuckled making eve grab sarahs arm and take her back home.

the girls spent the rest of their morning burrying merryboy and making him a grave.

"here place his collar ontop of the cross sarah" eve handed her his collar as she sniffled

sarah then placed the collar ontop of the cross before kneeling down and kissing the top of the cross.

"lets go inside father will be mad if we dont get our chores done!" eve exclamed as she noticed how late it is.

the girls walked inside and grabbed the cleaning supplies.

Sarah was sweeping the floor while eve was washing their dishes.

A series of loud knocking is what stopped the two from their work, eve walked over toward the door and flew it open

a look of surprise on her face when she saw Solomon.

𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘀; 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗲✔︎Where stories live. Discover now