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please do not read any further if you have struggled with an Ed or are sensitive with the topic.

I don't want to make anyone upset by me adding this but as a person who has struggled with disordered eating and depression I felt the need to add it to my story.


𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻

3 weeks has passed since both of evelyns siblings had passed, she hadnt moved out of her bed at all She hadn't talked to Solomon or any of her friends since that day.

Her father had brought food and water for her but she couldnt bring herself to eat any of it she let it sit on her dresser and rot.

Her bones were slowly getting weaker and weaker as her stomach had already put itself in starvation mode 3 days into not eating.
she couldn't feel anything not even the dried up tears that were stuck to her freckled cheeks.

she stared at the blank wall beside her with no emotion showing whatsoever, she soon heard her bedroom door open and close.

assuming it was her father bringing her food she closed her eyes not daring to look behind her.

"Evelyn?" a soft voice cooed from beside her large hands made their way on her hips that used to be chubby but now we're boney.

"go away" her voice came out raspy due to the fact that this was the first time she had said a word to anyone in three weeks.

"it's me Solomo-" she whipped her head around seeing the bearded man.

"get out now." her throat was scratchy and dry but she still managed to yell.

"no please listen to me you're father brought me here he's worried for you eve" he carefully sat down beside the girl watching as she laid back down with the blanket in between her legs.

"There's no reason for him to be worried I'm fine" she clenched her jaw as he flipped her over.

"Evelyn....you look sick your eyes are sunken in the bones in you're body are sticking out of you this isn't safe please just eat" he begged the girl.

"I'm not hungry" she spoke but the truth was she was hungry but she couldn't bring herself to eat anything.

"please for me eve just eat I'm begging you I can't watch you die like this" the fear was evident in his tone making her heart sink.

"okay" She whispered earring a huge smile from Solomon.

"come on your father is making supper" she nodded and stood up but her legs soon gave out on her causing her to go crashing into the ground.

Her bladder ached making her clutch her lower stomach as excruciating pain shot it's way through her whole body.

"Eve!" Solomon exclaimed as he picked the girl up before rushing towards her dad who was in the kitchen.

" George!" her father turned around his eyes lit up at the sight of his daughter out of bed but his brows soon furrowed when he saw her screaming in pain.

"what's wrong!?" He jumped up out of the stool before Solomon readjusted her in his arms.

"I don't know but she needs a doctor" he nodded as he grabbed his coat before the two men ran out of the house.

they ran across union until they made their way into the widows tent.

"Widow mary!" He yelled out but soon gasped when he saw her now half disintegrated body on the ground.

"oh god!" Solomon gasped.

"where else do we go Solomon?" Solomon thought for a bit before handing eve to her father.

"Hold her I think I know what's wrong with her, has she gone to the bathroom at all?" He shook his head.

"She hasn't left her room in three weeks Solomon and trust me I've tried she just wouldn't budge" Solomon grabbed a few things and placed them in his pocket.

"Let's take her back home" the two men ran back to union everyone around them stared at them in shock when they saw Evelyn laying in her fathers arms in pain.

they brought the girl into the house before Solomon took her to the bathroom.

"go to the bathroom you need too" she nodded but winced as her fragile body sat down on the hard toilet he gave her privacy as she did her business .

She flushed the toilet and closed the lid before standing up "Solomon I'm done" she croaked out her stomach feeling a lot better now that she had finally used the bathroom.

"Feel better?" he asked making her nod as she limped towards him.

"come on let's go eat" he brought her to the kitchen where three bowls of soup and one big bowl of porridge was placed on the counter.

"I know this seems like a lot but you need the nutrients, I also added apples and berries to it I know that's how you like it" she thanked him before stuffing her face with the food.

she continued to stuff her face like there's no tomorrow, eve finished up her porridge before grabbing the hot bowl of soup.

the men watched her devour the soup before she looked up and shyly smiled at her awful manners.

"I'm sorry may I please have another serving?" her father frantically nodded as his face lit up before he grabbed her bowl and filled it up with more food.

"Do you want water dear?" she politely nodded before eating more soup.

She thanked him as he placed a cup of water down in front of her before both him and Solomon went back to eating.

the three ate in silence the only noises that were heard was the sound of Evelyn slurping down her soup.

"you feel better now?" she nodded but her bones still felt really weak.

"you have bedsores all over you dear you two stay put I'm gonna go change your sheets"

"thank you father" he placed both his and Evelyns dishes in the sink since Solomon was still eating, he left the room leaving them alone.

"I'm sorry eve the guilt is eating me alive I shouldn't have done what I did and I'm so sorry" she felt her eyes well up with tears as she turned to him.

"I forgive you but I'm still very upset with you and your brother" he nodded.

"I understand but I still feel like a horrible person I put myself before your sister and I'm sorry I was just scared that I would get hung also for helping..." he trailed off with tears in his eyes making eve look down sadly.

"I'm sure Sarah would understand......I mean she could've just let Hannah get hung but she didn't that just shows how much of a good person my sister truly was and I'll never forget how she put everyone else before herself." eve spoke through tears.

she felt his arm go around her making her place her head on his shoulder.

what she didn't know was that his whole story was a lie......

𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘀; 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗲✔︎Where stories live. Discover now