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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

"Solomon?" Evelyn walked into his room not seeing solomon anywhere, she shouted out for him once more but sighed when she didn't receive an answer.

she looked to her right seeing a tiny door, she looked back out of Solomons door before she opened the small door and crawled in.

she looked around the room seeing animals body parts hung around the room, the smell alone made her gag.

she looked around before looking ahead of her seeing a light coming from an open spot in the wall, she walked closer debating on weather or not she should walk in or just turn around and forget she even saw anything.

she obviously went for the first answer, she was curious and she trusted Solomon so she assumed it wasn't a big deal.

she crawled in, her dress dragged underneath her knees, she heard hushed voices coming from the inside making her crawl faster.

she looked around her seeing a bunch of walls, she moved forward which led her towards another small opening.

she peaked through seeing someone in an all black outfit with a black pointy hat on their head.

she turned around to walk away but her foot stepped on something causing her to curse under her breathe when it made a loud noise.

she watched the person take off the hat in a hurry, she gasped when she saw Solomon, her whole body froze when they locked eyes.

She turned around and crawled back through where she came from, her knees begged her to stop but she pushed passed the pain of the rocks that dug into her knees.

she rushed back upstairs and hid in his bathroom, she heard Solomons loud footsteps coming out of the room.

"eve?!" He shouted, she whimpered and hid in the closet that was in the bathroom, she heard the door open making her hold her breath.

she screamed when the closet door was ripped open, her chest rose up and down, her breathing increased.

"don't come near me" she said making Solomon back away with a stern look in his face.

"what was that" she asked.

"It wasn't anything I was praying" she scoffed at his answer.

"why are you wearing that if you're praying Solomon?" She visibly gulped as she backed up against the wall.

"It's none of you're concern evelyn" he nearly yelled.

"It is if I'm living here!" She yelled back.

"I got a secret can you keep it?" she hesitantly nodded as he grabbed her hand and pulled her back through the tiny door.

he led her through the crawl space and brought her into the room where he was just in.

"Swear this one you'll save, better lock it in your pocket and take this one to the grave" she pulled her pinky finger out and held it out causing him to chuckle before attaching their pinkies together.

he pulled her closer towards the Center of the room, she started to feel slightly claustrophobic due to the fact that she was surrounded by stone walls.

"whoa" she breathed out as she touched the walls, her hand dragged over the wall until it landed on a name.

"Pastor Miller" she gasped.

she felt Solomon spin her around and pin her to the wall, he held her there as she shook uncontrollably under him.

"why—-why is his name up there" her voice shook as she spoke.

"promise me again that you won't say anything to anyone Evelyn" he said sternly.

"Two can keep a secret" she smirked.

"every few years A name has to be given to the devil in return for what we all came here for, power, legacy" she looked at him in shock.

"Y-you did this to Henry?" She backed away from him. "He was innocent!" she screamed making him place his hand over her mouth tightly.

"innocent? who really is innocent?" he calmly said.

"Your crazy" her words were muffled by his hand causing him to chuckle.

"I love you evelyn I didn't know Cyrus would've gone for the kids" his words sounded fake but she brushed past that and ripped his hand off of her mouth.

"You knew he was going to be with them he always was with those children everyday, he cared for them and you—you just ripped that from him you ripped his whole life away from him" she said before pausing for a moment "why did you choose Cyrus? Why didn't you choose someone else?" She questioned.

"he was the most innocent, that's what the devil wants he wants innocence and I'll give that too him" his words cut through her heart like a knife.

"why didn't you pick me then? I'm innocent!" she whispered as tears fell out of her eyes.

"yes but I love you evelyn I can't see you hurt" she cried into her hands and backed away from him even more.

"just stop it please" she croaked out.

He stayed silent.

"Please Solomon" she begged.

again, no answer but she stopped and sniffled.

"You promise you won't tell anyone about this if I stop" he whispered, she looked at the name on the wall before turning towards him with puffy eyes.

"like I said before two can keep a secret" she stomped away from him and crawled back towards the house.

"If one of them is dead" he whispered before following Evelyn.

he wasn't gonna stop but she didn't have to know that, he knows that he'll make her become just like him, because she's no different then him.

𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘀; 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗲✔︎Where stories live. Discover now