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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻

"Henry! where is Henry" Sarah sobbed out as she ran into the crowd.

"HENRY!" Eve screamed out before she looked at Solomon with pleading eyes, she watched him as he weaved himself through the crowd and pushed people out of his way.

"SOLOMON!" Caleb shouted out as the three watched him run to the side of the meeting house.

"Cyrus!" Solomon yelled while banging on the side door, he braced himself with a deep breath before grunting as he slammed his shoulder into the wooden door.

Elijah grabbed eves hand and dragged her toward where his brother was Caleb followed after them both, him and Elijah jumped into action and helped Solomon with the door while eve covered her sobs up with her hand.

Sarah ran towards her sister and brought her into her embrace as they watched the three men grunt loudly, their shoulders repeatedly slammed into the door.

with one big push the door broke down, Solomon fell but slowly stood up his eyes widened before he turned around.

Elijah tried to push past him but he placed a hand on his chest and backed him away from the door.

"Keep everyone back."

"NO MY BROTHER IS IN THERE" eve let go of Sarah before running up to Solomon but before she could run in Elijah wrapped his arms around her and kept her still.

"Solomon wait!" she spoke as she watched him grab a wooden rake, he looked up at her before walking into the meeting house.

she thrashed in Elijahs arms making him hold her tighter, she eventually stopped fighting but small sobs escaped her plump lips.

her face was flushed with pink her cheeks now drenched in her salty tears.

"let me in let me in! No!" everyone now rushed towards them, Caleb and Elijah held everyone back, mothers were crying which made eves heart hurt but her main focus right now was if her brother was okay.

Solomon squeezed his body through the broken down door before staring around him seeing the pastor banging a medal stick on the table.

"because they are we call upon they call within, resigned to deficit" the pastor continued to mumble as Solomon walked closer towards him.

his eyes filled with tears as he noticed all the children around him, a different child in each row.

the pastor continued to mumble indistinctly as he banged the medal on the table repeatedly.

"Cyrus" Solomon called out his gaze landing toward the floor where a dozen eyes were laid out in a pile on the floor.

he kneeled down and gasped when he got a closer look at them, tears fell from his eyes as he looked up at the pastor with pure anger and sadness written all over his face.

"I can see now I can see everything" the medal stops banging as the pastor now had stood straight up.

Solomons whole body shook as he looked beside him seeing the red headed Constance sitting with her back slouched and her eyes gouged out of her head.

the door then crashes open everyone in union including eve ran inside the meeting house.

"our children!" men and women scream out as people pushed past each other.

"Henry!" Eve screamed as she saw her brother sitting there dead.

she dropped to her knees screaming when she saw that her brother had no eyes, Sarah let out a heart wrenching scream when she kneeled beside her sister.

Sarah placed her hands on Henry's shoulder causing him to fall down onto the ground with a loud thud.

"no" Evelyn whimpered out as she held his head up with her hands.

the pastor had heard the thud and walked down toward the two girls, he placed his medal stick up about to strike the girls.

"EVELYN!" Solomon screamed out as stood up and stabbed Cyrus in the stomach with the rake before he could get her.

Evelyn screamed as his dead body fell ontop of her living one, her sobs grew louder when she couldn't push him off

Cyrus's wife sobbed as she helped eve pull him off of her, eve looked up at Elijah before looking back down at her baby brother.

"Witchcraft! Witchcraft!" Elijah pointed at the pastors dead body as he frantically looked around the meeting house.

"Evil! Show yourself!" mad Thomas was stood up on one of the empty rows while he continued to shout.

Evelyn sobbed into Sarah's chest her heart clenching with pure sadness.

She felt hands place themselves on her waist and pull her up she looked back seeing Solomon.

she pushed him off "get off of me" she stumbled away from him before she ran out of the meeting house leaving her sister behind.

she ran and ran until she got home she sobbed as she fumbled with her front door, she swung it open seeing her father sitting at the table with his hands in his head.

"father...Henry's dead" her words caused his head to snap up and stare at her in shock.

"where is he? Evelyn tell me now!" he stood up making her back away.

"The meeting house" she sobbed out watching as he rushed out of their home.

Her back slid against the wooden wall, she fell to the ground, her sobs filled the empty house.

"Eve!" Solomon rushed through the door making her scoot away.

"get out" she choked out as she watched him walk closer towards her.

"shhh stop just stop" he held her in his arms, she melted into his touch, she sobbed into his shirt leaving tear stains on it.

he rubbed her back softly as he whispered sweet nothings into the girls ear.

"it's okay I got you, I got you."

𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘀; 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗲✔︎Where stories live. Discover now