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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

Eve marched towards union, she sneakily walked through peoples yards till she found her house.

she almost sobbed at how empty and dull her house looked without her family, she grasped the handle of the door and swung it open, her heart dropped, almost all of the stuff she had in her home was gone.

she walked through the house until she found her room, she opened the door and packed clothes in her tote along with a few blankets, she also grabbed some of her fathers tools, an ax, a knife and a hunting knife, she placed everything in her bag and walked out of the house not caring if anyone saw her.

she was done with everyone in union, all the lies and evilness that came with it, her feet dragged her towards her campsite, the people around her just stopped and stared like she was a criminal running away from prison.

she bit her lip to stop the tears that were about to fall out of her brown eyes when she saw issac and Abby, they smiled at the sight of her and ran up to her.

"Oh god! Evelyn" Abby smiled widely and pulled her in for a bone crushing hug, Evelyn laughed through her tears and hugged back with the same amount of energy.

"I've missed you guys" Eve whispered, she brought issac in for a hug also.

"We missed you too, lizzie hasn't been the same since you left, where have you been?" Issac asked.

"I've been with Solomon, but things didn't work out with him so I'm on my own now" she tried to control the sadness that built up in her chest when talking about Solomon.

"Why didn't you tell us, You can stay with me" issac said with a smile.

"that would be lovely" she returned the gesture "I'm gonna go get my stuff and I'll be right back okay?" She finished earning a nod from issac, he was basically like her brother, his family loved Evelyn like she was their own and she appreciated that.

She walked away from her friends and made her way into the woods.

after a while of walking Evelyn got lost, she couldn't find anyone or anything, she had no light, and nightfall had already come.

the crickets could be heard in the night, the crisp cool air sent a shiver down evelyns spine, goosebumps littered her caramel skin, she continued to walk over branches and leaves.

a branch snapped from behind her, she spun around to come face to face with Solomon.

"Eve?" His voice cracked, he sounded completely drained, the sadness in his voice was evident.

"Solomon" she replied back, the grip on her bag gradually got tighter with every step he took.

"W-why'd you leave?" He questioned.

"Im living with issac and his family now, I can't be around you anymore" she held back the tears that were fighting to escape.

"please, don't leave me" he whispered softly, his hands placed themselves on her face, she backed up only to be pushed up against the tree.

"stop" she cried as she tried pushing the weeping man away, he forcefully grabbed both of her arms and held them in place.

"Stop! I don't want to hurt you" he cried out.

"you said that last time and you still hurt me Solomon, you're a liar" she spat.

"stop I love you Evelyn"

she pushed him away watching as he fell onto his back, she ran as fast as she could dodging tree branches as she did so.

she could hear Solomons heavy footsteps, her breathing picked up, her lungs screamed for her to stop but she kept running.

She cried out as her foot got caught on a rock, she fell face first into the lake water, the cold liquid drenched her hair causing wet curls to fall into her sweaty forehead.

she scrambled to get up but stopped when she felt Solomon straddle her waist.

"get off of me" she thrashed in his arms, she soon stopped, both of them were breathing heavily, both chests heaved up and down.

"stop please" he begged.

"get away from me, you are evil Solomon" tears still streamed down both of their faces.

her hand flew up towards his face and landed on it, his face whipped to the side, he clutched his cheek in pain.

he pulled out the knife that was in his pocket and stabbed the girl in the leg, she cried out in pain, his hand slapped against her face and covered her mouth silencing her cries.

"just kill me already Solomon do it, I want to be with my family so do it" she said after she had removed his hand from her face.

"No, no" he cried

"stop pretending like you care about me or my family, YOU DID THIS TO ME" she screamed as she felt the knife twist in her leg.

He removed the knife and placed it against her neck "don't make me do this I love you"

"I hate you" his knife sliced open her neck, blood drained out of her body quickly, her eyes stayed on Solomon the whole time, he cried and pulled at his hair while he watched the life get drained out of her.

"no" he sobbed into his hands.

he picked her lifeless body up and carried her towards his house.

Solomon buried the girl and told everyone she had run away from union, he eventually got remarried and had a baby boy who then carried on his legacy, the rest is history.


Unfortunately this is the end to secret, I wanted to make Evelyn become Solomons wife but then I couldn't because It just wouldn't make sense

why would someone marry their sisters murdered.

so I decided to end it here

I just wanted to say I am so grateful that people enjoy my fanfics, and I hope y'all have a great morning or night, thank you for reading my story🖤

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