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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿

"wake up darling I gotta take you back to your father hes been going round union asking everyone where you were" once she heard those words come out of his mouth she jumped up and grabbed her shoes not caring to place them on

"thank you so much Solomon but my father is going to murder me if I don't get home" he nodded and watched as she rushed out of his home barefoot

her feet splashed in water beneath her making a mixture of dirt and water splat all over her white dress she frowned and stopped running

she attempted to wipe off the mud that had been mixed with the lake water.

she muttered a line of "curse" words before stomping her way back to union.

she quietly tried to sneak into her home but failed when she felt herself being slapped across the face

she gasped and looked up to see her father making her eyes prickle with hot tears.

"Evelyn I was worried sick! we have to go to the meeting house get dressed now" he roughly pushed her into her room sending her stumbling in

she fought the urge to scream at him before sighing when she looked through the wooden closet

she grabbed a beautiful green dress that was long the bottom was puffy making it hard for her to slip her shoes on but she managed.

"eve are you ready?" He knocked on her door roughly , she turned around and nodded as she smoothed out her low bun.

the two walked out of the cabin leaving Sarah and Henry on outside duty since eve did it the day before.

"what kind of meeting is it father?" she questioned him making him shrug

"I don't know mad Thomas said it was important" she gulped but nodded he noticed how hesitantly she walked up the steps to the meeting house but just pushed it away not really caring

"ahhh lovely eve fier what a pleasant surprise" Solomons brother Elijah pointed at her causing everyone to look back at the young girl.

" hello to you too Elijah" she nodded toward him as she looked for a place to sit, she noticed Solomon patting the seat beside him

she looked up at her father for approval he nodded before she smiled and walked toward Solomon.

"hello darling" eve crammed her body into the tiny space that was left beside him.

"hi Solomon I'm sorry for running off on you I'm just scared of father sometimes" she whispered in his ear before pulling back.

"it's okay really how about you come over tonight agai- he was cut off by mad Thomas smashing his fist against the table.

"Listen up people of union!" everyone went quite when they heard the mans raspy voice speak out.

"last night on the full moon I saw Sarah fier and Hannah Miller KISSING IN UNION!" eve stood up about to yell at him but she was quickly pulled down by Solomon and her father

"he's lying!" she yelled but her words were soon muffled when Solomon placed his hand over her mouth

"oh eve don't lie for your sister now" he tilted his head giving her a smug look, she tried to jump up and attack but Solomon once again saved the day.

"Alright that's it eve" he picked her up throwing her over his shoulder making all the ladies gasp to which she glared at them for

she huffed and gave up on fighting both Solomon and her father walked her home.

"eve you can't do that you can't just go yelling at people that could get you hurt!" Solomon scolded, she backed away slightly before turning to her father

"I can't do anything around here anything at all father always criticizes me and pushes me around I'm just trying to help my sister!" She exclaimed rudely as she pointed at her father who was now standing with his arms crossed tight against his chest.

"really eve? You think I push you around?" his voice came out harsh making the girl flinch and back away from him.

"yes I do, you push me, you slap me, you always try to tell me when I can and can't go out I'm 19 for Christ sake I can do what I want" she huffed as she turned around.

her eyes widened when she felt herself being thrown on the floor, she looked up seeing her father making her crawl away

"Get off of her" Solomon spoke softly but his calmness soon turned to anger when her father grabbed ahold of her hair and pulled her closer to his face.

"you are my child I can do what I want with you" his words cut through her heart like a knife, she coughed out as her sobs filled the quiet room.

"you don't care about us you don't care about any of us, you didn't try and stop Thomas from speaking on such things that both you and I know Sarah wouldn't do" she lied through her teeth as she looked up into his eyes through her tear filled ones.

"I hate you" she choked out as she pushed him away from her.

"don't say that I'm your father" the girl sobbed louder before standing up.

"You mean nothing to me all you ever did was take your anger out on me, Why always me why was I the one you chose to beat on, but I'm honestly glad it was me I wouldn't want my siblings to go through what I had to go through when mom died" she walked into her room and laid down in her warm bed, hot tears fell down her cheeks and stained her white pillows.

She could hear Solomons yells coming from the kitchen, the yelling soon stopped before she heard a door slam shut.

she hated how her father treated her she absolutely hated it, she was the chosen one in this case, always being picked on by him, she was given extra work, she was always the one he would take his anger out on and she never knew why.

maybe it was because she did look like her mother after all or maybe it was because she was the only child who didn't.

she just wanted to know why it was always her...why did it have to be her?

𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘀; 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗲✔︎Where stories live. Discover now