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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

evelyn grasped the lid of the pot and pulled it off, smoke filled the house causing her too cough, she put the fire out and huffed.

"Jeez" she laughed.

"What happened?" Solomon looked up from the shirt he was making, she turned around and shook her head.

"Nothing just a little smoke from the hot water" she gave him a tight lipped smile.

"You still mad at me?" His question made her squint her eyes at him.

"Well of course why wouldn't I be?" she rolled her eyes.

"you have to understand why I did it..power and-" she cut him off before he could finish.

"And legacy yeah ive already heard this before Solomon." Her cold reply made his heart drop.

"don't hate me because I took what we all wanted" he stood up, he dropped the shirt along with the medal sticks he was using to knit.

"Excuse you? I don't hate you because of your bullshit deal I hate you because you killed my siblings and let everyone blame it on sarah when it was you" she yelled as tears poured from her eyes.

no answer, he was speechless to say the least.

"Yeah now you have no answer? you killed my family!" her words clearly struck a nerve.

he frantically grabbed her shoulders and slammed her into the wooden wall behind her.

"we are the same, we're not different, your just like me" she gripped the end of the pointy wooden spoon that was in her hand.

"We are not the same, I don't kill innocent people for power" just as she said those words she grabbed the knife off the counter and plunged it into his leg.

he let out a pained groan making her drop the knife and run, she ran down into the tiny room and hid under one of the many tables.

her breathing was raggedy and loud, she was quick to cover her mouth when she heard him stumble into the room.

"Evelyn! Evelyn come back to me" his words made her almost sob, she didn't mean to stab him she just lost control.

he stayed silent, but that was until she felt him grab her legs and pull her out, she screamed as he straddled her waist.

"Why would you stab me!" his left hand held her arms above her head

"Stop solomon, please!" she cried.

"I love you, please I love you just stop fighting" she thrashed against him, he then used his free hand to cover her mouth.

"please stop fighting I don't want to hurt you Evelyn please" his voice cracked as he begged.

She finally gave up with the fighting which left her laying on the ground with tears in her eyes.

her chest moved up and down rapidly, to Evelyn it felt like her heart was trying to escape, it felt like someone was furiously pounding against her chest.

she tried to remain calm but she couldn't.

"please stop Evelyn!" he shouted out as she started to thrash in his hold once more.

she bit down on his hand and kicked him off, she pushed herself away from the man, her back was pressed up against the wall

She placed her head into her knees, her body shaking in fear, she feared what Solomon could do not only that she feared that he would kill her like he did with her siblings.

he groaned loudly, he ripped his shirt into pieces, he wrapped some of the clothing around his wound, a scream escaped from his lips as he pulled it tighter against his leg.

"Okay, okay I'll stop just get away from me Solomon" she sobbed when he looked up at her with tear filled eyes, not only tears but betrayal swam in his blue eyes.

"No, Evelyn, no i love you please" he cried and begged but that only made her angrier.

"You don't love me!" he limped towards her and dropped to his knees in front of the scared girl.

"Yes I do I promise I'll stop, don't leave me" her chest felt heavy at his words, she barely held back a sob before connected her hand with his cheek.

his face was scrunched up at the inpact, his head slowly turned to look at Evelyn making her whimper.

"did that make you feel better?" he questioned.

"Yes" she breathed out as she stood up and pushed him out of her way.

"I'm going to sleep, I'll sleep on the floor" she crawled back out of the tiny door and walked towards the bed, she placed her blanket on the floor and pulled it over her.

her body shivered at the cold ground but there was no way Evelyn was gonna sleep in the same bed as a murder.

"Evelyn" Solomon kneeled beside where she was laying and pushed the hair out of her face.

"Don't touch me" she hissed.

"Stop being a bitch" his hands gripped her chin tightly, her jaw dropped at his choice of words.

"I'm a bitch? Excuse me? but the only bitch here is you Solomon" she scoffed and pushed his hands away from her face.

"This is all your fault, all of it, Sarah's death and Henry's death is all on your hands, and the only reason I'm not telling anyone about your stupid deal is because I love you and I don't want to see you get hung" her back was now turned to the man.

he didn't speak at all he just layed down beside her and placed his arms around her.

she tried to fight his hands off of her but her body fell limp and she gave up, she huffed and pushed her curly hair back.

she wanted to run away and never see him again, but at the same time she couldn't because she loved him.

"I love you Evelyn" his lips landed on her hair, a small smile played on his lips as he watched hers twitch up but she stopped herself from smiling and closed her eyes, falling asleep to the sound of Solomons rapid heart beat.


im so sorry for the late updates, ive been busy working on my next fanfic.

its a twd fanfic so if you like twd be ready<3

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