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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲

the sky was now a deep sea blue color leaving only little bits of light left for Evelyn to see but she continued to walk through union in a sleeping gown.

her white slippers that made her Carmel skin pop were now all dirty due to the mud and dirt she had been walking in.

she made her way through the forest carefully,trying not to trip on anything and hurt herself even more then she already was.

soon enough after walking for what seemed like hours, she found herself standing shamelessly in front of Solomons front door.

raising her hand up she knocked on the door three times, stepping back slightly as loud footsteps could be heard throughout the cabin.

the door swung open revealing a very tired looking Solomon, his eyes were dull and blank leaving Evelyn to only assume she had woken him up.

"I'm sorry Solomon did I wake you?" she asked.

"no darling why are you up so late?" He pulled her into his home as he shut the door behind the curly headed girl.

"I couldn't sleep and I just wanted to see you that's all..." she trailed off playing with her fingers nervously.

"come on then we can go to sleep" she looked at him shocked,she swallowed the lump in her throat before she slipped off her dirty slippers.

he pulled her into a room before plopping onto the bed causing a giggle to erupt from her throat.

she slowly crawled in bed beside him, the two held eye contact as his fingers traced her flushed cheeks.

Solomon wasn't quite sure what to do in these types of situations, he tried to hold back his true feelings for the fier girl but couldn't, no matter how hard he tried there was just something reeling him back in like a fish with bait, but the girl was no bait.

she was special to him, she treated him with nothing but pure kindness but he knew he didn't deserve her, he didn't deserve anything she does for him.

he doesn't deserve her forgiveness but she still chose to forgive the man and that's what pulls him in, her greatness, the way she carries herself is what attracts the man towards her.

her beautiful smile, the dimples that Pop out whenever she does so, he loved the way all of her freckles were lined up with each other.

his fingers continued to trace every bit of her face, soon realizing the girl had fallen asleep due to his touch.

he smiled before scooting closer to her, he pulled the blanket onto them, his hand wrapped loosely around her body, his chin found it's way on top of her head, a deep breath of tiredness left the mans mouth earning movement from the beauty under him.

"shh go back to sleep" he purred before he felt her face dig into his neck, his eyelids grew heavier by the second, soon he fell into a deep sleep but his sleep was ruined when a series of knocks could be heard throughout the home.

he groaned softly moving the girl off of him as he placed his shirt on, he walked barefoot towards the cabin door, swinging it open to reveal Elijah.

"what are you doing here Elijah?" he questioned his brother as he stepped aside allowing him into the home.

"I just came by to see how you're doing, I can't see how my brother is doing now?" his head tilted to the side almost as if he was taunting his older brother.

"nobody said you couldn't, I was just simply asking a question, you woke me up that's all" Solomon rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand before walking towards the cupboards in his kitchen pulling out a cup.

"my bad, I just came to warn you since you have gotten close with Evelyn, since her sister was a witch what if she's one too you know" Solomon dropped the cup in the sink before turning around with his fists clenched.

"Evelyn isn't a witch nor does she have any type of experience with that type of stuff, stop saying such mad things Elijah!"he angrily spoke as his pointer finger crushed into the mans chest.

"Solomon?" her soft voice spoke out from beside the two making them both turn their gaze onto the girl.

"yes darling?" he moved away from his brother as he walked towards Evelyn.

"i can't sleep without you there" her face flushed with embarrassment, she didn't realize Elijah had been standing there listening the whole time.

elijahs face soon softened when he realized how harsh he had been towards the fier family, the girl was clearly traumatized after watching both of her siblings die right infront of her face.

"im gonna get going now, sleep well evelyn" he walked out of Solomons house slamming the door behind him.

"Come on" she grabbed his hand and pulled him back to bed, snuggling into his chest once again, she felt at ease with him, but she couldn't help the guilt that built up in her chest.

she was laying in the same bed as the man who got her sister killed, her head was screaming at her telling her to just get out of bed and never speak to him again. But her heart said otherwise and so did her body when she continued to stay put in his arms.

she knew Sarah would want her to be happy but at the same time she knew Sarah would be disappointed in her and that's what made it worse.

she was happy with Solomon, she felt like she belonged with him, he meant the world to her and she never knew why he always drew her in.

maybe it was the beard? Or the hair? Or maybe it was the way he treated her like she was some type of angel.

He cared deeply for her and that's what made it so hard for her to let go of him, she couldn't just walk away from Solomon.

she had never felt so loved and cared for before until she met him, the little things he would do for her like hold the back of her dress for her so it doesn't get dragged in the mud or when he would braid her hair for her, she loved the euphoric feeling he gave her, it was like a rush of pure adrenaline when she was around him.

It warmed her heart to see him happy but then again everytime she would look at him she couldn't help but think of what he had done, she just hopes she's making the right choice....

𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘀; 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗲✔︎Where stories live. Discover now