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I opened my eyes and was surrounded by a bunch of people I have never seen. All of them just stared at me so I asked "Where am I? Who are you all?" and then a woman and a man stepped forward "Ember darling..." said the man. "Ember Aura Cordelia Terre, my beautiful baby girl all grown up" the woman said while stopping right in front of me and cupping my face with her hands. And then it hit me "Mom?" I asked desperate while looking at her, "Dad?" as I looked at the man standing a bit further away then her... "Oui, mon amour." my mom replied. "But how is thi-" "Shhh." she interrupted me while hugging me tightly and my father joined just a second later.

You know how you think you feel at home in one moment, but then you realize that was nothing? Well, so I though I felt at home with the Tonovački's. Well, it was really nice, they did love me... But this. In the embrace of your real parents, that different. It feels ethereal, like there was a missing piece of me that finally got filled. "We are so proud of you, mon cœur." my dad said lovingly. "We have been watching you the whole time. We know everything that has happened and what you are currently facing." my mom said. "And we know how you, but only you can destroy the fold." my dad finished for my mother.

"But... How? Where are we? Why did you leave me as a baby? How can I destroy the fold? But... But I'm not read-" I rambled. And then both of my parent put their hands on my shoulder and on each other's.. I followed their lead so now we were in a little circle. "Listen mon amour, you don't have much time so the question that do not have anything to do with the fold will have to wait."

"But why?" I asked almost crying. "Can't I stay here? With you guys?"

"We are all in your head mon cœur."


"We are in one of your visions. So your body is still on the ship, with a lot of other people. Who you can save..."

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"You suck the darkness, or actually the power into yourself. The fold is made of the darkness so once it is in you, the fold wont exist anymore. Same goes with the volcra, once you suck the power out of them, they will turn back human..." she explained.

"But unfortunately, once that much power is in you, you may di-"

"Gleen, she's got to go" on of the people behind us interrupted. My parents looked at me with sad but proud eyes.

"No, wait. But how do I do it? How do I suck the magi-"

"You're a smart girl. You can do it." my dad assured me.


"Good bye."

"We love you."

"Mon amour." "Mon cœur." Everything started spinning and my ears started to ring but I was still able to hear the voices of my parents saying their nicknames for me.

I opened my eyes again, but closed them almost immediatly because of all the light around me. "Oh good, You're awake. Now HELP ME!" Alina begged. I put my hand on my forehead as I stood up slowly and looked around. There were people, some dead, some on the verge of it, still fighting with the volcra and for their lives. But some of them were still okay. You can do this, i reminded myself. For your parents, for yourself, everyone... and Aleksander.

"Okay, let's do this." I said quietly to myself. "Do what?" Alina questioned while still summoning light. "This" I said right as I blew everyone, dead and alive towards the back of the deck with the wind that I summoned, or actually was becoming.

I closed my eyes and extended my arms at the height of my hips. I imagined and the power, the darkness that was in the fold. And imagining it going into my hands, arms, feet legs... ("What is she doing?" "Is she actually destroying the fold?" "Was this the plan?" "Is it working?" the people whispered.) and lastly into my head ("Wait, no!!!" Aleksander screamed as he leaped towards the brunette girl who's hair was slowly turning black.) and heart.

"No!" the man in the dark kefta screamed as he leaped towards the now pale girl with completely black hair. "No, no, no." he whispered to himself and put his forehead on hers. "Please wake up.. wake up for me." But she didn't. Instead of her now also black eyes fluttering open, her whole body started to glow and float out of the man's by the name Aleksander's hands. When the girl was a few feet up in the air, the glow around her started to change colors, and so did her hair (and eyes unknown to the people around her.). It went from red to white, to blue, green and so on until her body dissolved and the only thing that stayed there was the outline of the body with different coloured glows. After a couple of second the glow went towards the sandy ground. But once it came into contact with the ground, the sand started to turn into grass, there was also little river starting to form and instead of darkness, the sun was brightly shining on the beautiful meadow.

All the people on the ship were fascinated and didn't notice that there was still a single sparkle with glow in the air except Aleksander. He slowly walked to it, in hopes that it could bring back the girl who fixed his mistake. The girl he started to actually like. Or maybe even love? But we will never know, since right before he was about grab the spark, it disappeared into thin air.

After that, there was a lot of talk about the girl, who destroyed the fold. The girl nobody knew, except Aleksander... The girl who payed the price for another ones mistake. You make sacrifices for others, especially for the ones you love. But the girl's sacrifice didn't come without a price. But was the price really that bad if the people could finally live in harmony? Especially since the person who caused all of the chaos did pay a price in the end....

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