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"Ember?" Autumn asked me quietly.

"Yes sweetie, it's me." I answered as I hugged her.

I almost forgot how nice her hugs were. Even thought she is fairly small, she gives this big bear hugs. They are really warm and give you a feeling of home. Oh, I don't know what I would of done if she died. But what about Mr. and Mrs. Tonovački? Are they okay? Or more specifically, are they dead or alive? I sincerely hope it's the second one. But the surcimstances are pointing towards the other way. But then again, the only way to really know would be to ask Autumn. But she is so shaken up I don't wanna bug her with that right now. Saints, she ALMOST DIED!

After the long and much needed hug, I asked "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine." she answered with a lie.

I'm fine. I hate that sentence. It's a really common phrase, which usually means the opposite of what it's supposed to mean. FINE. She wasn't fine a couple of minutes ago. How could she be fine after being rescued out of a burning house, which was her home, full of memories, with now possibly dead parents.

"Are you su-

"We need to leave." The Darkling said completely emotionless.

"E-exuse me! My sister here, who is nine almost just died and you are here saying we need to go? I-I mean yeah I get it, we need to move but dude, give us at least like ten minutes?" I rambeled the stress and anger out of me.

"I am aware of the situation here Ember. But that is exactely why we need to go. The people that burned your house down did that because, my guess is, you! So, the longer we stay here, the longer we are asking for trouble..."

I hate to admit it, but he was right. The last time I was here, people tried to kill me. And it did not look like they cared if they'd need to hurt (or even kill someone) in order to get to me. So I am the problem here. Saints, why did I not realised before. And as long as Autumn stays with me, the longer she is in risk of getting harmed. But, where else to put her. We haven't got any relatives that I know of... Unless...

"You said we are going towards the fold. So let's go." he gave me a surprised look.

"And where did the sudden change of attitude towards the fold came from?" he asked

"As you said. They want to kill me, so they will look for me. Maybe even outside the village. So as long as Autumn is with us, with me, she is in danger. So we are bringing her towards the closest and probably the only relative she has. Who is by the way from the other side of the fold."

"Uhhhh. I don't know... We didn't really agree on that yet, did we. Let's keep in mind that I could just leave you two here..."

"Yeah, but I'm guessing you have a plan of needing me for something. I mean, since you actually started training me and then made a sudden plan of going in the fold, which is a really crazy idea by itself but..." he mumbled something and I continued. "Please. I'll do every single thing you'll ask me to do, IF we get my sister to safety." I plead.

"All right." he answer after thinking for a couple of seconds.

After that we started walking towards the fold. The walk was silent at the start, but when we were about half of a short way to it, Autumn decided to brake the silence.

"Who are you?" she stated her question towards the person she didn't know in the group of three.

We stopped and then he stepped in front of us and crouched down so he was in the eye level with Autumn.

"I, am the person, who will, with the help of your sister,get us to the other side of the fold."

"Wait wh-" I wanted to ask but was interrupted by another question from my sister. She asked if he was a Grisha and then what his powers are and so on... Autumn didn't know much about The Darkling and the whole fold thing, so when he anwered the question about his abilities, she did not catch on that he is The Darkling, which he was also avoiding of saying...

But what did he mean by saying with the help of your sister? What am I supposed to do?

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