Chapter 6: Regretting and making a decision

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Daniel's POV

"Hey man, wake up!" I shot up awake as someone shook me.

"What!" I whisper yelled.

"Your shifts over." I blinked and turned to see my co-worker Steve. Looking at the clock behind him, I saw that he was right it was already 4am. Damn, time goes fast!

"Thanks. I'll see ya tomorrow." He nodded and left. Grabbing my stuff, I locked the store up and left. I worked nigh shifts as a security guard at the mall.

Throwing my stuff in the passenger seat, I hopped into the car and drove home.

After 15-20 mins, I arrived home and made my way inside. Locking the door behind me, I made my way upstairs. The house was awfully quiet, I guess Autumn was asleep. Deciding to check upon her, I walked into her room stealthily. It was empty. Where was she? Did Tay take her somewhere? The questions were spinning around my head. I decided to go to Tay's room. Before I could walk in, the door opened to reveal......

Autumn's POV

Shock was the emotion I would say I felt but that would be a lie. I felt sparks and to actually be honest Tay's kisses were much more better than Danny's. I know it's wrong of me to say but that's how I felt. Gosh, Tay was a great kisser! Realisation sunk in that I was kissing Tay back. My eyes automatically opened. No I couldn't do this to Danny, he was amazing unlike Tay who was just using me and broke my heart along the way. Hearing a moan come from Tay and feeling him wrap his arms around me, I pushed him away and stood up.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I paced the room. I looked at him and yelled.

"WHAT'S WRONG? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT'S WRONG!" I walked up to him.

"You kissed me whilst I'm going out with your brother!" He looked at me his eyes widening, I could see the regret in his eyes which actually made my heart pang in hurt, get a grip Autumn, you shouldn't care. But that was soon replaced by anger.

"Don't you dare try to pinpoint this on me!" My eyes widened and I whimpered back as his tall frame towered upon me.

"I wasn't the only one kissing, you were kissing me back. Don't deny you didn't like it!" He opined his finger at me.

He was right, I did enjoy it and it was my fault as much as his.

"Your right." I said after a moment of silence. "I kissed you back." I looked up at Tay to see him looking at me with concern.


"No." I said as I walked back. "I'm a cheater, I don't deserve someone as nice as Danny. He did everything for me and I...I...cheated...on...him...with!" By this point I was sobbing.

"Autumn, it's fine. He won't find out."

"It's not fine Tay. Even if he doesn't know I won't be able to look at him without feeling guilty." The next thing I know I was sobbing into Tay's shirt.

"Hey..hey. It's fine, don't worry. He loves you too much, he would never leave."

"Really?" I said as I looked into Tay's eyes.

"Yeah." He said staring into my eyes. "He's not like me, you deserve each other and I promise I won't get in the way of you two." A smile spread across my face which made Tay smile too.

"Your so pretty when you smile." I blushed. "Come on now, wipe your tears and get to bed."

I did as he said and smiled. Even though, Tay was drunk he was actually a good adviser as he showed his sensitive side. I think I like him better drunk!

"Come on, get to bed now. Danny must be on his way home." I nodded and made my way out the room. As I neared the door I turned to Tay.

"Tay?" He turned.


"Thank you." He gave me a genuine smile and a nod, I returned the smile. I turned and made my way out the room. Opening the door, I came face to face with a worried Danny.

Oh no?!

"Daniel?" He engulfed me in a hug.

"Autumn, I was so worried. I didn't find you in your room and..."

"Hey, it's fine." I said chuckling. "I was helping Tay out."

"Tay?" He said with a frown.

"Erm...yeah, he came home drunk." Daniel looked over me into Tay's room, me mirroring his action. Surprisingly, Tay was under his duvet fast asleep. Wow, this guys a fast sleeper.

"Come on." Said Danny as I faced him. "We should get to bed." I nodded.

I was already in my leopard onesies and Daniel stripped into his boxers like Tay. God, these two brothers will be the death of me.

"Erm...Danny, why are you here?" Daniel always leaves after tucking me in but it didn't seem that way today.

"I'm sleeping here today with my girlfriend. Is that so wrong?" I blushed.


"Don't worry Autumn, I won't try anything until your ready." I smiled, he was so amazing but I didn't deserve him after what I did. I stared at him with guilt as he got under my duvet.

"Come on, I don't bite." He said with a smirk. I smiled at him and got into bed besides him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me towards him. It felt nice, but how would it feel with Tay? No, what the hell was I thinking? I was with Daniel.

"Goodnight Autumn. I love you." Said Daniel as he placed a kiss on my forehead and snuggled into me. I stared at the wall and felt the tears blur my vision, I was such a bitch. My lips tingled as I remembered the kiss. No, it was just a stupid one time thing and it was an accident. I had to stop thinking about it, about Tay.

That's it, I need to spend time with Danny and stay away from Tay besides Tay doesn't want me anyways, he made it clear. Tay's the past, Danny is my present and future and that's the way it shall stay!

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