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10 years later.

"did you pack Finn's lunch?" I ask David as I rush around the house "yes, twenty minutes ago my love" David says as he walks towards me handing me Finn's lunch I smile at him as he hands me the small bag "thanks" "anything for you Nat" he says smiling "very much appreciated Nat" he says smiling back at me.

David and I have been married for ten years now, he decided to quit vloging when we planned on having another baby so he could focus on his family more he had a baby girl, her name is Daisy Dobrik.

"Are you driving Finn and Daisy to school today or am I?" David asks as he puts Finn's coat on "let's go together, I wanted to show you something" I say smiling at him David looks at me confused "oh yeah?" "yeah" I say winking at him.

"mommy we're going to be late" Finn says yelling at me as he puts his coat on "okay let's get going" I say as I open the door David, Daisy and Finn then all walk out the door I smile as they all walk out I couldn't be happier looking at my small but happy family "wear your coat" I say handing David his coat and smiling "yes mom" he says rolling his eyes and putting his coat on.

David and I decided to move back to Vernon Hills Three years ago because we didn't want our kids growing up in California but I mean who would really want their kids growing up in that type of environment? We stay in contact with all our old friends of course but if I was going to be honest we weren't the best at it.

As we drive through Vernon Hills I smiled as we passed by all of Davids and I's old hangout spots today, ten years ago was the day David asked me to marry him so seeing everything truly warmed my heart I couldn't be me more grateful that we made it out together and happy as we could be.

"What you smiling at?" David asks "do you remember the first day of grade nine?" I ask he smiles "didn't you walk right into me?" he asks I then laugh as I remember "I was so embarrassed I can't believe you agreed to hanging out after you saw that" I say smiling as I look over at him in the passenger seat "I thought I blew if it i'm going to be honest, I was checking you out so hard that I didn't even notice I walked right into you" David says smiling "even though it was embarrassing I think it was perfect" I say "me too" he replies.

I then pull into Finn and Daisy's school, David then gets out of the car and walks them to the front door I smile as I watch them say their goodbyes to him David was such an incredible father I don't think I could ask for anyone else to raise my children David then walks back over the car and pulls up the middle finger at me once he notices I was watching him the whole time.

"Stalker" he says as he walks in the car "oh shut up" I say playfully hitting him "so what do you have planned Nat" he says as he looks at me "wait and see stupid" I say as I start the car up "rude" he replies "you know it Davey" I say smiling "i'm always going to hate that nickname" David says "really? I love it" I then pause "Davey" I say smirking at him he then pulls out the middle finger again and I laugh.

David may have not known where we were going but I've had this whole thing planned out for two months now and I was so excited that It was finally coming into reality and as I pulled into the playground parking lot I grew even more excited this playground isn't any other playground though this is the first place that David and I ever hung out at.

"No way" he says smiling "yes way" I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt "I can't believe I got you to come here at ten at night" David says as also unbuckles his seatbelt "me either what was I thinking" I say as I hop out the car "i'm glad you went with me though" he say as he hops out the car.

As we both walk towards 'our' bench I smile "think our names are still on this thing?" I ask David "only one way to find out" he says as he kneels down and looks under the bench I then do the same thing "there's no way" I say smiling "It's been so many years I can't believe it" he says as he touch's it "Davey and Nat forever" I read softly "we were right" I say as I get off me knees and sit on the bench "Davey and Nat forever really became our reality" he says looking over at me.

As we both look at the park It felt like all the memories we made together here were happening once again as I looked even more closely at the structure.

"do you remember smoking weed for the first time on those swings" David says smiling "yes, do you remember we had the lay in the grass for hours because we were to high to even go back home" I reply "we really tried so hard to act like nothing happened at the park but my mom knew right away" David says smiling "I mean you we're sitting in front of the fridge grabbing grapes and eating them i'd get surprised if you mom didn't know" I say laughing at him David then looks over at me and smiles "I think I fell in love at this park" "I think I did too" I say to David.

"I love you Natalie Dobrik" he says looking over at me smiling "you're truly my soulmate David dobrik" I say smiling at him.

David and I have been through so much shit together i'm surprised that we actually made it but I think it shows how strong our relationship truly is and I couldn't be happier that we made it work because all the shitty thing we went through together made up grow into the people we were and made us have an even stronger relationship most people wouldn't want to continue if they went through half the things we went through together but we did it, I love David Dobrik forever.

The End.

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