1) Land and Sea

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*3rd person*

Legends has it that Merlin people have existed and actually had peace with the humans of the surface. However a tyrant ruler broke the peace and a war started. It was a war unfair for both sides and one day the commanders of both sides made a truce that one would not disturb the other if the other didn't cause disturbance as well.

It was left like that. Thousands of years passed and now merlin people were only a myth to those above the waters. However the merlin were well aware of the humans and didn't mind them passing over their waters just as long as they never stopped and let down their anchors.

Any good sailer knew the place that no anchor should ever drop because of the hundreds of ships that have been sunken to never be seen again in the area some ships have had luck with not sinking and soon people started calling the waters cursed so no one wanted to stay in that area. The curse only stayed to that spot and the closer to the curse you were, the higher risk you are at of sinking never to be seen again.

Those who have tried to dive anywhere near the cursed waters are never seen again. The merlin people were very careful about keeping themselves secret even sometimes infiltrating the land to make sure that the humans knew never to stop in their waters, or sabotaged the ships so no one could set sail for their waters on purpose. Everyone called it the curses work

Magic is Also something that the merlin have kept track of. Humans and merlin's have magic, but unlike the humans, merlin have stronger magic then the human race

Human magic is strong, but not strong enough to over power a merlin's magic. That is unless the human with the magic trains it or uses it often enough to build up magic power, or be able to handle more of it's power as it grows through usage and growth. So basically they need to work harder then the merlin race.

The kingdom named Atlantide closely named after the name of the kingdom that the merlin's lived in, Atlantis. Lo'pho the worrier king rules over Atlantide with a gentle iron fist. He makes things clear and punishment isn't harsh unless the crime is harsh. Lo'pho lives under the rule of treat others how you want to be treated. Justice will be the same as he says.

Flurry the Queen of Atlantis watches over her kind with a gentle gaze she does not wish for violence in fact if an argument breaks out into a fight the fight is to be taken to her to be resolved so no one gets hurt.

Flurry never expected to be queen, but after a sudden illness that affected both the current queen and king killing both of them, the people had to choose who would be in line of rule since in the palace the unborn prince laid within an egg still coming to be.

The one person suggested Flurry and they let her rule for one week to see if she was fit. Once the week passed she came to give the crown to someone else who would want to be on the throne, but everyone just bowed to her excepting her as queen.

A few mouths later the price was born, but the moment he was born he was respected even more then the queen herself. The same went for two other small babies born close to the day the prince was born. Well at least two out of three were well respected.

Prince Lucas was first to be born and true heir to the throne, born with the mark of the goddess, the greatest protector of the seas, Galrin's mark. Galrin the goddess and guardian of the seas as they all say.

Michael was born the day after Lucas was born with the mark of the shadows or voids gods mark. Casathar the god of the void and darkness.

Devin born a couple days after Michael born with the mark that everyone feared. The mark of Embodiment. A lost magic people though to never see again since the last person who had Devin's magic was a cruel person and was banished and killed for his abuse of the power and his evil works.

The mother of Michael and Devin dropped off Michael at the palace somehow sneaking in and saying low making it to the room where a new more Lucas was. She left Lucas and Michael together before leaving going back to Devin's egg.

Flurry when she found Michael with Lucas was shocked at first, but seeing the small child didn't make her feel overwhelmed she felt happy, happy that Lucas can grown up with a brother.

Devin when he was born terrified his mom. She couldn't keep him as much as she loved both Michael and Devin she couldn't keep children of a lost magic and a god.

Security was ramped up from her last sneak in, so the only choice was the leave the child at the front doors as midnight came and guards got shifted out. The guards saw Devin and his symbol and grew angry at the symbol almost attempting to kill the child. However Flurry steps in and took Devin before harm could be done.

Flurry excepted the Devin, Michael, and Lucas. All three of them grew up together. Devin grew up to be the exact opposite of what the man before him had been which put people at ease. However the stories of the man were never told to Devin out of his own safety. Until Devin looked into it when he got older.

Over on the lands people have fought over many things and soon kingdoms  became apart or close together however there are those people who live on small islands who want nothing, but peace and trade and no ruler. Then there's those people who take to the seas for adventure and the rush of adrenaline.

Pirates have taken over a few islands most of the islands are avoided by many trades people. People view pirates as people who live their life in the drunk mind set, but that's not the case. They only wish for adventure and adrenaline and the feeling of freedom even if it means that they have to fight to the death for that feelings.

As they say. We live free like the birds flying over the ocean if we fight and die then we know we lived our best.

We lived, we died, but not in dishonor. We live as we wish, that is all we could ever ask for.

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