2) The Start Of Something

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*21 years later*

*3rd person*

Prince Lucas sat there his face fins gently moving with the currents as it blew through the windows. His tail wrapped around his chair as he read through some old history. He turned his attention to one of the guards as they came bursting.

"Your highness." He slightly cried

"Remember that too formal for me." Lucas said looking up and marked his place closing the book

"Sorry, right, prince Lucas I have a report." The guard said standing more still but was relaxed

"What is it?" Lucas asked knowing what it might already be.

"Prince Devin is once again outside the walls and we lost track of him... again." the guard mumbled the last part and Lucas sighed as he put his book away.

"Can't keep still for more then 5 hours." Lucas chuckled smiling. The guard wasn't once scared of Lucas's calm expression in fact this was almost like a daily routine. The guards at first were scared, but over time they grew less scared because Lucas never lashed out in anger, only spoke in a gentle manor.

"Thank you for tell me. I'll go now you are dismissed." Lucas said and the guard nodded leaving.

Lucas took his crown which is lined with pearls and lost treasures from the sunken ships that people have gathered wood from, the ships are also gathered and used sometimes for shelter otherwise just places to keep food and such.

Lucas put his crown on as it glinted silver and swam out of his room down to the training grounds of find Mario training Jakey. Both were training and I smiled as I watched as Mario had Jakey try to swing a sword trying to not bend his back to much so that he has the freedom to quickly turn his body in a sideways direction.

"You know it's good for you to learn these things Jakey." I said and they both looked at me.

"Oh prince Lucas what brings you here today?" Jakey asked.

"The usual." I said and Mario groaned.

"This is the second time today." Mario slightly complained as he looked at me

"I know, but we all know what Devin's like, can't sit still." I said and Jakey chuckled.

"Ya. We should get going." Jakey said and I nodded.

I swam past Michael and I greeted him with a smile and hug.

"Going to get Devin again?" He asked

"Yup. You know him." I said

"Unfortunately. However he's our younger brother." Michael sighed and I nodded before leaving.

"Have a good day prince Michael." Jakey called ouf and I smiled more as we left the castle.

"Lucas where are you going?" I looked over to see mom or queen Flurry.

"Going to get Devin." I said looking at her. I'm grateful she raised me like she did even if she wasn't my biological mom.

"Oh, ok be careful ok? From what one of the guards said Devin looked slightly upset. I'm wondering if it's one of those days." Mom mentioned and I nodded

"Ok we'll be careful." I said thanking her as I swam away with Mario and Jakey.

We swam together until we got to the walls and I saw Kay and chatting with Elior. When they saw us they waved at us happily.

"Hey guys what's up?" Kay said as we got close.

"We're going to get Devin. Mom thinks it's one of those days." I said and Elior frowned

"Oh boy that sucks I hope he'll be ok" Elior mumbled before looking back at me with some confidence.

"Well good luck finding him" Eliot said and I nodded leaving after Mario fixed Elior's pose

If your wondering what I mean when I say one of those days it's because a couple years ago Devin found out about the old user of his magic and how they abused it for evil deeds.

Ever since the city found out which magic Devin had they have given glares and always put on fake smiles around Devin. I can understand that they are scared and that they dislike the magic, but still Devin doesn't deserve to be looked at like that.

People's dislike have become more and more apparent to Devin and he gets upset by that. He doesn't like their looks and it makes him feel bad about his magic. To the point that he only uses it to create small things.

He use to help around the castle and help the construction workers fix large pillers that needed support, but now either me or Michael have to be close by in order for him to feel comfortable enough to actually use his magic on a large scale.

I swam to the usual spot I would find Devin and sure enough he was there. He was curled up with tears in his eyes as he sat there on the coral and kelp make shift bed.

I smiled as I swam over leaving Mario and Jakey to stay outside to make sure that no harmful animals come over and disturb us. Even though they never come this way.

"Dev's? I asked and he looked at me before looking back at the kelp.

"Today was especially bad wasn't it." I asked as I got closer sitting down

"I know I'm old enough to stand on my own, but it still hurts to see the looks. It doesn't make it better that when I tried to help a little kid her mother clearly showed terror twords me." Devin said while crying a bit more is tears easily mixing with the ocean.

"I see. Come here." I said and I opened my arm which Devin shifted and leaned into as I hugged him closely

"If it makes you feel better I can put you into my mind scape so you can see Galrin again." I suggested and Devin nodded.

I smiled as I closed my eyes and drew a circle on Devin's forehead and touched my head to his closing our eyes and both me and Devin showed up into Galrin's room. It was a deep blue room water all around. The thing that would catch anyone's attention was the huge chair in the room. Galrin sits there.

Now what I mean when I said let's see Galrin I mean that I have the ability to go see Galrin and I can bring anyone with me to see her. Devin is one of the only ones who knows about this ability because if everyone knew then they would all want to see Galrin and from what I know there's only so much socal contact Galrin wants.

I smiled as I looked at Devin before swimming to the big chair with him

"Hey Galrin."

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