17) Past Memories

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*3rd person*

"Just look at him, so grown up and ready for our position."

"Remember son the royal counsel is a very important thing, so take it seriously."

"I know." A voice so familiar said as they looked down at the outfit they had to wear.

A uniform of blue a red and gold trim down the button up front as the cuffs on the wrists were a bright white with the royal emblem on the side. Black pants with a strip of blue down the side trimmed with the same red and gold and over the shoulders a sort of sash that's of a purple color. It shows the rank your at in the counsel.

Walking through the kingdom of Atlantide the glimmer of the city showed from the high pathway to the main central of the kingdom. The city was built on a big slope going down to a plain going to the ocean.

Lo'pho the ruler had called a meeting and as people gather the teen follows behind his parents before he freezes up when feeling a hand and he turns and looks at who's there

"Woah there, hey you must be the new council member" a red haired man said, his black mask covered over his nose and mouth, but you could tell he was smiling

"Ya, umm who are you?"

"Me? Oh I'm Montavious."

"Oh it's nice to meet you"

The man nodded happily before ruffling the teens hair and waved bye. The teen watched him go before looking at the city with a sad look, but looking at the ocean he gave a smile that was until he felt a hand slightly grip his shoulder

"What you looking at?"

"I'm looking at the city and how it has grown into the ocean port that it is now"

"Ah I see I'm glad your starting to appreciate the beauty of the city. It certainly is wonderful what our king, Lo'pho has done for this city. Come along we have a meeting"

A save. The teen sighed as he walked and he took his place next to his parents during the council meeting. At the end the walk home wasn't any better then the walk to the council. The teens parents kept asking questions on what happened in the council and the teen had to reply to not get in trouble

As they got home getting ready for bed the night fell and the teen looked at the city from his room. He was forced to have the room that didn't face the ocean. The teen sighed before... Things changed they looked up and reality was warping around the as window they were sitting on crumbled and the teen fell landing on the ground with a thud as they groaned and their vision blurred as they noticed a hand outstretched and they took it carefully only to be pulled into someone's arms.

"You wish to see the ocean? Go see it, but know if I see you I will kill you as you will become a traitor for abandoning this kingdom. Now run"

The voice rang before the teen tried to yell out, but only silence came as he was shoved away and their vision cleared as the last thing they saw was red hair before they woke laying on a ship that felt familiar and they watched in horror as a blade came up then came down striking him in the chest-

Bryan bolted up panting as he groaned as he pulled up his legs the blankets moved as he had one arm across the top of his knees and his other slightly held the side of his head. Bryan took deep breaths as he calmed down. He really a hoped he didn't yell in his sleep.

However he jumped when the door started to open as he slightly froze up before seeing the soft candle light and Allumos's tired looking face

"...you wanna talk about it?" Allumos asked as he closed the door

"I....not really" Bryan calmed down as Allumos walked over and pulled up the chair and set the candle holder down on the desk

"Was it that nightmare again?" Allumos asked

"....ya, ya it was" Bryan softly said before Allumos got up and told Bryan to scoot over as he licked his thumb and pointer and snuffed out the candle light before grabbing the blankets and laid down next to Bryan making sure he was comfortable before settling in. Allumos sighed as Bryan snuggled close and Allumos gently ran his hand through Bryan's hair (all platonic)

"Thank you" Bryan mumbled as Allumos hummed

"Your welcome"

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