6) Merlin Interaction

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*Brandon's pov*

I stopped using my magic when we got about I'd say 2-3 miles away from where we got attacked.

"Kit what exactly do you mean by might have grabbed a friend of that Merlin?" Ritchie said as I came down to the deck.

Kit grabbed the spear and looked at it before grabbing the net and pulled off at least 10 scales off of it.

"They must have come in a pair. If that's the case we might have a Merlin sitting in our fish tank." Kit said

"I'm going down there!" David yelled making a bolt for it.

"Hey! No your going to scare it!" Bryan yelled running after David.

"Jeez their noisy." Viper said and I chuckled.

"Let's go see this. If this is an actual Merlin that we caught then man are we making history right now." I said following my brother down to the hangout quarters, aka the fish tank room.

"These damn fish are in the way." David said pointing at the school of fish that was surrounding the far corner.

"I think that's were the merlin is hiding." Ritchie said

"Want me to do something?" David asked with his hand glowing a powered white.

"Last time you messed with the fish tank the whole think froze." I said and Bryan chuckled.

"Wait let me try something." Kit said before going over and called Seek through the lacrama crystal and the top opened and some fish food we have was dropped in. Worked like a charm.

All the fish moved and for a split moment we saw something red move behind a rock. The rock was small so we still got to see it's fin.

"Hey we know your in there!" Ritchie yelled and after a moment slowly a head poked out from behind the rock and glared at us before the rocks grew in size hiding them completely.

"Oh my god. We do have that merlin's friend." Kit said

"Ya know if we sell em at the black market we could-" Viper was cut off.

"We are not selling him!" Ritchie yelled.

"Why not?" Viper said

"You do realize what your saying right?" I asked and he thought about before making an oh face.

"Ya if that merlin tells all the others we will never be able to set sail in the ocean because they will be after us. Ritchie said and I looked back and I flinched when I realized how close the Merlin was.

"Guys." I said and they all looked at the merlin. Their red eyes glared at all of us and their brown hair seemed to defy all laws of water as it wasn't waving in the water like normal. They also had green Wrapping around them.

"Did they understand us?" Ritchie said before the merlin slapped something onto the glass.

"Of course I can hear you. Your loud." Bryan read.

"Wow." I said

"Ok, but is no one surprised that we have a living mythical creature that we thought was lost to time in a fish tank on our ship!?" Colin asked

"I will admit that it is a surprise but do realize we figured out that the merlin's existed when we got those scales.

"Guys look." Kit said

"It hurts when your scales get caught on that stupid net you have." David read.

"I'm sorry that your in this position, but you do realize that we as humans haven't ever seen you guys in like thousands of years." Kit said

"Your lucky I can make my own bandages." Bryan said as the merlin swam a bit further from the glass and the words changed again.

"So what are you going to do now. Huh?" I said

"Well I'm not sure." Ritchie said

"What do you mean not sure!?" Bryan said putting as much meaning into the words as possible so that it didn't sound plan.

"What you think we're just going to let you go?" Ritchie said and the merlin swam forward and smacked their head on the glass glaring at Ritchie before backing up and rubbed to spot their head made contact with their head.

"I don't think that was a good idea." Bryan said

"Shut up, like any of you are going to give empathy." Colin read

"Are you kidding?" Seek asked

"I don't think this is helping guys something tells me that we shouldn't be doing this." Kit said

"Damn right. I could easily sink your ship." Ritchie read.

"Oh really. Then why haven't you?" Ritchie said and the glare the merlin had turned into a surprise then a sadness before they swam a bit further off and brought their tail to their chest.

"You wouldn't understand." Kit read and I heard the hit of sadness in her voice.

"Come on guys I think we'll need to give them space." I said before Ritchie spoke up.

"Your male aren't you. What's your name?" Ritchie asked

"Yes I'm male, I'm not telling some humans my name." Kit read.

"Well I don't think we'll be getting a lot on answers from him." I said

"Wait. This is your friends right?" Kit said holding the spear.

"If you hurt him in any way I will set a small flame to your ship." I read as the merlin swam forward and glared at us again.

"Does a small zap count?" Ritchie said and I wanted to slap him.

The merlin's eyes went wide before they bolted up and since the tank was open they climbed out of the tank.

"Ok we need to make sure the caps on!" David said as we all ran up to the deck.

When we got there we saw him struggling to stand as he now had legs not a fun, but his fins on his head remained and he looked at us and glared further as a torch came out of nowhere and it was lit.

"You know that's not going far right?" Bryan said and the merlin took a step back only to yelp as they slipped.

"Ouch...damn these stupid legs who the hell do you guys even move with these things!" He yelled and everyone just stood in shock, but Bryan moved first as he went over and ate the fire on the ship.

"Oh great fun a fire eater." He said just laying on the ground.

"So what now?" Bryan said before the guy moved rolling over and fell into the tank again and resurfaced.

"I hope you all realize how much I dislike you all right now." He said

"Ok ya sure but can we get your name?" Ritchie asked

"...It's Devin." He said before going under.

"Close it!" David said as he grabbed the door and closed up the fish tank.

"Brother?" I asked

"We'll keep him on the ship for a little bit but if the merlin's come to get us, we have to return him. I'm not going to end up being stuck on an island for this." Ritchie said

"I fully agree." I said

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