12) Merlin's on Land

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*Devin's pov*

The party was massive, fortunately water can be used as sound mufflers so when I made a small but big enough to me to be comfortable water tank I fell asleep easily. I did wake up and when I did I found Ritchie and Brandon drinking by my tank and when Ritchie saw I was wake he tried to get me to drink but I just splashed him with water before curling back up pulling a kelp blanket over me.

The second time I woke up everyone was asleep and I decided to get out and dry myself off. I made the tank disappear for safety reasons as I walked about and I remembered what the blankets they used looked like so I just imagined a bunch of the same kind just in different colors.

I smiled as I decided to look around the town. As I walked I noticed that a lot of people were looking at me and I looked at myself. My clothes reminded me a lot of my home so I didn't see the problem. Or it's just my face is new around here.

I walked looking at people who were just starting up shop and I smiled giving waves to those who waved at me. I walked until I found a secluded area of the beach. I sat down and took a deep breath taking in the salt water.

"I...miss home." I said softly before realizing what I just said and I felt something on my face to I touch it and looked at my hand. Small scales were showing but that didn't matter. What mattered was that I was crying with an urge to go home.

The outside world is amazing and it's something I want to explore, but I miss Micheal, Lucas, Mario, Jakey, mom... everyone else.

I let the tears fall knowing fully well that some of my scales are going to be showing but I don't know how long I was there but I felt a static in the air and I looked up to see Ritchie.

"Oh there you are. Worried that someone discovered ya." He said coming over before realizing I was crying.

"What happened?" He asked his face stern like he was going to punch someone.

"Nothing just thinking about home and my family they must be so worried and Mario....." I said trailing off remembering the look on Mario's face when he watched me be pulled out of the water.

"Mario must be traumatized...." I said shoving my head into my arms as I curled up.

Ritchie said down and pulled me twords him letting me lean on him.

"I'm not one for comforting but I can make an exception for you because we technically pulled you away from your home." Ritchie said and I hugged him

It was a bit later when I was about to let go when Ritchie suddenly just picked me up and blinked both of us into the building. The static of the electricity wasn't the most pleasant feel but it wasn't bad

"Brother there you are." Brandon said as Ritchie set me down. Everyone was looking at us.

"Ya ya I know I was out longer then I promised but I'm here and I found Devin." Ritchie said

"I'm going to my tank." I said as I walked off and thought of the tank and got a chair and climbed in fully shifting again. I made a kelp bed and pulled the algae kelp blanket over me.

I closed my eyes and started to doze off. I'll deal with my home sickness later.


*Mario's pov*

Ok walking is so much harder then I thought. Lucas lead us to the island were apparently Galrin have some direction for and I found the ship that I saw when Devin was taken. However this is all on land so we have to walk and walking is so difficult.

Fortunately it's night time so no one's around as he slowly figured out how to walk and despite falling a few times prince Lucas hasn't given up on looking around.

We opened doors and walked below deck. Jakey found a kitchen, I found a few bedrooms and prince Lucas found a room with a tank in it. There was some kind of clear stuff keeping the water in but there was fish in there swimming around.

"We need to find Devin. I wouldn't dare ever leave him in such a bad place." Lucas slightly growled

"Agreed." I said before Jakey quickly walked in holding a container thing

"Guys! Look I found this in one of the rooms." Jakey said holding up the thing. It was made out of the same thing that the tank was made out of.

However that's not what was surprising it was the bright red scales inside of it. Prince Lucas grabbed the thing and smashed it and grabbed one of the scales.

"Positive. It's definitely Devin's." Lucas said with an even angrier look.

"Then we'll have to find him fast then right?" Jakey said.

"Ya and soon." I said as we begin to leave the ship.

I looked at the town and then walked to the beach area and practiced more with my legs. We agreed to lay low for a day so that we get use to our legs then go look for Devin

Promise we'll find you soon Devin. Stay safe.

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