Chapter 2

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As Spongebob and Squidward walk towards the pineapple home, Spongebob opens the door first and starts to go inside until he was stopped by a tentacle that tapped on his shoulder.

He then turn to face him, confused.

"Um.... Is it okay if I bring my clarinet along? U...unless, you want me to wait until later to go get it and all but I just thought..." Squidward stuttered nervously until he hears Spongebob laughing.

"Bahaha. Oh, Squidward you should already know by now that I never mind your music at all. In fact, every night I would listen to you, playing your solo music from right outside my window." Spongebob said, smiling warmly.

"Really? You've been hearing me play this whole time?" Squidward asked, his face in deep red of blush.

"Yeah! And one time, I even dreamed about your concert and it was magnificent! Everyone would cheer in your name and I would be in the front row seat watching you in the crowd." Spongebob blurted out, until he realizes his mistake and widens his eyes at his own words.

His face begin to sweat hard but thankfully, Squidward, who turned away from his own embarrassment, didn't notice.

"Oh....that's very thoughtful of you. I'll... just go get it then." Squidward said, anxiously as he slowly walks towards his house next door to grab the instrument, his heart racing super fast at this rate.

Unaware, that Spongebob was also just as uneasy, who tried to keep a smile while watching him leave.

"Okay. I'll wait for you then. he he...." Spongebob shouted over.

When the coast was clear, he suddenly open and closes the door in an instant.

His back now against the wall and his face tinted pink.

Why did I say that? Spongebob thought to himself in a panic, now flustered while wiping some of his sweat off him.

His heart too, racing like a champion racing horse in a marathon.

He placed his hand over his heart in an attempt to slow the rate.

"Calm down, Spongebob. Its just Squidward. You compliment him all the time and it never bothered you before." Spongebob muttered to himself as he took in deep breaths and relax.

When heart lowered its pace, he walked over to the inflatable looking couch and grabbed a couple of pillows along with blankets to keep Squidward cozy.

He was about almost done setting up a bed for him, when suddenly, a sound rippled behind him.

"Meow." The sound, which happens to be his pet snail, Gary echoed.

"Ah!" Spongebob jumped and turns to see that it was the case.

"Oh, its just you Gary. Don't sneak up on me like that. You're gonna give me a heart attack." Spongebob said, checking his heartbeats again before resuming back to work and heads to the kitchen to grab some snacks.

"Meow?" Gary asked, in concern.

"I'm fine Gary. I'm...I'm having a sleepover with Squidward." Spongebob as he starts popping up some kelp kettle popcorn in the microwave.

"Meow." Gary with a 'what else' look on his face as if he already knew that something was still bugging Spongebob.

"Nothing! Its nothing..." Spongebob said looking down.

"Meow" Gary added on while giving him a 'I'm not buying it' look.

Spongebob glances over at him and sighs.

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