Chapter 9

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After a few moments has passed, Spongebob and Squidward then broke apart from their hug before walking back inside together with the flowers and chocolates in one hand of Spongebob's while he held onto Squidward's hand with his other free hand, tightly.

And by that time, Margert and Harold had already prepped the table with a full fledge array of breakfast items right as Spongebob and Squidward head in their direction.

To which Spongebob's mom turns around and gushes over them with her heart melting even more when she sees her son's bright happy face and the flowers in his hand that evidently told her for sure that Squidward was a keeper.  

"Oh my, these are just lovely. How sweet of you to do this for our baby boy. Now let me go see if I can find something to put these in." Margaret offered while gently taking the bouquet of yellow peonies from Spongebob's hand before running to the kitchen as clatters of noise start to sound all around them, to Harold's annoyance.

He pinched his nose and sighed from the mess that his wife would be making at this point.

"Sigh. That woman will be in the kitchen all day, if I don't help her find that vase. So you guys can go on ahead and start eating if you want, while you're waiting for us. We'll be back.....Oh boy." Harold said, shaking his head at his wife's hyper excitement before joining here in the kitchen to help.

When the coast was clear and no one was looking, Squidward decided to use this time to make sure that he and SpongeBob were okay enough with everything before the two can start dating.

"Psst. Hey Spongebob?" Squidward asked in a whisper while tapping on SpongeBob's shoulder so that the parents wouldn't overhear  and interrupt his thoughts.

"Hmm?" Spongebob asked, turning to face him, with his face full of his mother's homemade muffins like a child all hyped up during snack time.


Classic SpongeBob.

So cute.

Squidward thought with a quiet laugh under his breath while trying to calmly ask him a question.

"Would you like to come back home with me?" Squidward offered rhetorically with a warmed smile on his face.

"Of course, I'd be happy to be your neighbor again." SpongeBob said with a familiar expression on his face but much bigger, his toothy grin sparkling out like a bright sun on a summer day.

"Well, actually I was thinking that maybe we should move in together sometime, but if you want to wait, I don't mind. As long as you're near me. Knowing for sure that you'll only be right next door." Squidward said while cleaning up some of the crumbs off of Spongebob's face with a small napkin.

At that time, Squidward couldn't tell if SpongeBob was blushing over how close they were when the crumbs was being removed or the fact that he had offered to cohabitate together as if they were already on the next step of being together in their relationship.

But either ways, the poor guy was just too stunned and embarrassed for words.

"Umm, c...can I give it some more thought first before we move in?" Spongebob stumbled on with his face, now completely red like a tomato while twirling around his fingers, nervously.

Squidward couldn't help but to laugh more at his reaction, it was just too adorable.

"Haha. Sure, take your time. But, whatever you decide to do, just know that you'll always be home with me." Squidward said sweetly before leaning in close and kissed him on his reddened cheek.

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