Chapter 4

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The next morning came around as Spongebob, who woke up a little earlier than usual, turns his head slightly over and sees that he was snuggled up on Squidward's chest!

In a panic, he tries to swiftly move a couple of inches away from Squidward without waking him up.

Thankfully to his relief, Squidward didn't even stir from all of the movement that he made. 

He then, looked over at him and sighed.  

He didn't know why he had asked him abruptly to stay over by his side last night, but for its worth, it did feel very securing. 

Almost too sheltering though for his own good, as he quietly sneaks off the bed and was fixin to head to the bathroom when all of a sudden, a few seconds later, the fog horn begin blare loudly from its set alarm. 

Voom! Voom!  The sound was made like a warning signal that a ship makes when it docks on land. 

"Ugh...Spongebob can you turn that noise off? It driving me crazy." Squidward mumbled in his sleep, with his tentacle covering up his face as Spongebob quickly walks over to the alarm and presses the snooze button on it. 

Man, he must have not been able to sleep that well. Spongebob thought as he leaned over to check on him to see if the sound caused him to wake up, but it still didn't. 

 So, he finally went to the bathroom to wash his face.

After so much scrubbing within his spongey pores, he finally shut off the water and looked over at mirror to see that his face had completely reddened. 

As if he had scrapped all of the yellow color and painted it a rouge like red, much to his embarrassment. 

"Ugh, this is pathetic Spongebob. Why are you acting like a baby over this? Whatever happened last night.... doesn't mean anything. He still.... loves her so, why are you assuming that it does?" Spongebob groaned, complaining to himself while leaning his head down at the sink. 

He couldn't bare to look at himself anymore without ripping his own heart into pieces over his agonizing pain. 

He continued to ponder over all of it until suddenly, he hears a familiar sound. 

"Meow." Gary called out as Spongebob immediately whipped around and much to his relief sees that it was only him who heard his ranting. 

"Oh its just you Gary. What is it boy?" Spongebob asked tiredly with a half-smile. 

Whenever he feels down, his pet would always somehow cheer him up. 

"Meow meow" Gary said, irritated while holding his bowl and within a few seconds later, the little snail's stomach begins to growl on cue. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Gare-bear. You must be hungry. Come on, I'll fix you up something to eat." Spongebob said as the little guy follows him downstairs into the kitchen. 

"Meow." Gary said, rolling his eyes with a 'you were too busy focusing on him' expression in his tone of voice. 

"I am not thinking about him! Now that is quite enough of your snooping, Gary. There's nothing going on between us." Spongebob said, irritated at his nosy pet's behavior as he opens up a container of Snail-Po and places it in Gary's bowl. 

"Meow" Gary said with a 'but its the truth'  expression and laughed which made Spongebob even more angry by his teasing. 

"You keep this up, and I'll make sure that you won't get any treats for the next two weeks." Spongebob warned as he gave Gary the food-filled bowl. 

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