Chapter 3

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After the movie marathon pushed through towards midnight, the two were starting to get really tired but, they were both still able to be somewhat awake for a little bit longer in the process.

"Hey Squidward?"  Spongebob asked while Squidward munched a little on his popcorn.

"yeah?" Squidward replied, his mouth in a half chewing sound.

"I was wondering..."  Spongebob said but paused.

He didn't want to be upfront and personal with his friend's dating life, but feels like he should ask anyways, in case.....they decide to be permanent with their relationship.

"Do you... like squilvia that much?" Spongebob asked, looking away in fear that he might get yelled out for being noisy.

But surprisedly, he didn't.

"Umm.. I guess so? Why'd you ask?"  Squidward asked, confused.

Spongebob starts to get nervous and blurts out his thoughts.

"Well, I'm sure you that both will be the best couple and I really am happy to see you two back together. I mean it's not like that I'm jealous or anything. He he." Sponge Bob said as Squidward immediately chocked while hearing him say the word 'jealous' and grabbed some water to flush out the stuck kelp corn.

His face turned pink as he drank every inch of his water until he was able to speak clearly again.

"Spongebob, I'm not sure that Squilvia would be exactly the 'perfect' squid for me but... she is kind and...that's what I loved about her...." Squudward said with a pause, his stomach was fluttering with butterflies and his pink face started to grow slowly red.

Spongebob then fidget a little and kept his back turned away from him, seeing how his heart was now nearly split in two.

He felt a deep pain inside when he heard him say the word 'love', but continues strongly not to show it in front of him and decide to call it a night.

"Well I better get some sleep or else I won't be able to wake up in the morning and we both have work tomorrow. So..." Spongebob said as he slowly stood up started to leave until, Squidward's hand softly grabbed his arm to stop him.

Spongebob's face was now tinting pink and flustered.

Squidward then grabbed Spongebob and pulled him into a hug.

It felt so comforting and warm, like being on a mattress that would sink you to the ground, it was that soft. 

He didn't know why exactly he had decided to make this rash decision in the first place, except for the fact that he just wanted to show him that he cared.

He never wanted him to feel like he was going to abandon him.

Not after being so close to each other everyday.

It's like he can easily see through him, how much hurt he was probably feeling now and urge a need to hold onto him longer until Spongebob made a sarcastic remark.

"Um Squidward? If you wanted another pillow for the couch, all you had to do was ask." Spongebob said with an unintentional rude tone as Squidward shot up and immediately released him from the hug causing Spongebob to stand up again.

"Oh, sorry. I thought....*sigh never mind. Forget about it. I'll just let you sleep now. Goodnight." Squidward said, feeling a little disappointed that Spongebob resented the hug.

He then, turned his body around to face the couch, so that Spongebob won't see that he's upset from the harsh move.

Spongebob then lowered his head, sadly.

"Goodnight." Spongebob mumbled as he turned around and headed upstairs.

When Spongebob got to his bedroom, he climbed into his bed and covered his hands to his face.

He then, begin to sob softly.

His tears burning and running down his face.

He had never in his life felt so emotional.

And it was heartbreaking to see him like this.

Sure, his obvious everyday crying in the beginning was somehow obnoxious and annoyingly enough for him to be called cry baby or even a child for that matter.

But this.....was different.

It was more deep and meaningful.

Like someone who had lost or broke up with the person that they love and of course he never truly hated that hug at all.

In fact, he liked it and wanted to stay in it longer but couldn't accept it, without thinking about wanting more than the simple kind gesture.

His mind then spiraled with thoughts, yelling at him to go downstairs and tell Squidward that he was sorry for his outburst behavior, but refused to move another muscle.

He then continued to bawl a little with his sob deepening into a more painful sound.

He heard the bedroom door open ajar and can hear someone coming, he assumed to be just Gary and spoke in a rugged croak voice.

"Gary, I am such a coward. I feel so lonely right now and I don't know what to do. How do I tell him that I'm sorry. That I did want that hug. I feel so awful about it all and I..." Spongebob said, his voice almost chocking up as he struggles to continue until a pair of familiar tentacles started to grab his hands and pry them away from his face.

He looked up with his puffy eyes bright blue with tints of red underneath his eyelids from the crying and sees that it was Squidward.

He looked at Spongebob and felt guilty.

"It's okay." Squidward said, quietly as he climbed over into the bed right next to him and wrapped his arms around in a hug.

"There's nothing for you to be coward about how you're feeling with this. If you're not  comfortable with subjects like dating then you know you can always talk to me about it and I wouldn't mind." Squidward explained, warmly.

Spongebob sighed and spoke a little nervously.

" it okay if you stay here tonight? I..I mean if it's alright with you." Spongebob asked.

"Sure." Squidward said as the two made each other enough room while facing each other for the bed spacing.

They started to close their eyes and fall asleep but not without Squidward mumbling one last sentence to him.

"Oh and just so you know, you're never alone. I will always be there for you." Squidward said as they are both now in a deep sleep.

Unaware, that they are warmly smiling at each other for the entire rest of the night. 

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