Chapter 8

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The next day seemed to be brighter and much more hopeful as Squidward gets up with a radiant glow on his face.

He immediately changed into his day clothes and rode over to town in his boat mobile so that he could pick up a couple of things to help him bring in some confidence for his ridiculous and yet crazy plan of confessing.

First, he went to a nearby flower shop where he had bought an expensive bouquet of yellow peonies, which were rare but beautiful flowers that he knew Spongebob would love.

Next, he went on over to a chocolatier place and paid for a box of chocolates that had definitely took up his whole paycheck as well.

But it'll be worth seeing that beautiful smile on SpongeBob's face than anything else in the world.

Not long afterwards, he drove on over to a small town called Barnacle Bay, where SpongeBob's parents have been residing at since SpongeBob was a small child.

Hence, would be the only place that he could be in now if he were to ever feel down or homesick.

Although, Squidward wished he could tell him that the stupid, giant, annoying pineapple house, which stood perched next to his moai on a isolated street of Conch Street, was his home.

When he got to the house that was listed as the SquarePants residence with the help of a local in town, he parked his boat in the driveway and
walked over to the front door.

He had attempted to knock on the door before quickly flinching his hand back in hesitation, nervously.

He was scared of what might happen if this doesn't end up well.

Would he be able to forgive him?

Does he even know that he likes him?

He wasn't sure but.....

He was gonna try.

Because he's not holding back now.

And already come this far to just give up, now

So, without further ado, he tried again and rapped the door lightly with his hand while he waits for his fate to happen.

Sooner than later though, the door had suddenly opened widely, revealing a much older brown sponge, to which he knew for sure was SpongeBob's dad.

"Yes sir, may I help you?" SpongeBob's dad, also known as Harold SquarePants, asked curiously in the doorway.

"Hi Mr. SquarePants, I'm here to see your son. Is he home?" Squidward asked, politely as Harold squint his eyes for a moment before smiling him welcomely.

"Oh, you must be one of his friends that lives over in Conch Street, right? I thought I'd recognized you. I saw you that day when our son had asked for us to pick him up from his destroyed home and you were nice enough to help us pack his bags for him" Harold said with a laugh from that small memory.

"Oh right.... I forgot about that..." Squidward mumbled in embarrassment while rubbing his neck in guilt.

That was one of the many times where he was okay with SpongeBob leaving his life.

When they had only been neighbors for about a few years.

Until he was finally able to put his selfish mind to the side and got to know him much better.

Then it just got to be so lonely without a single sight of him to keep him company.

And later they became friends very quickly to where he was willing to have sleepovers and hangouts every now and then with him.

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