Chapter 7

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The next morning during work passed by like a thick, heavy blur fog to Squidward.

Despite the energetic positive energy that the customers get when they eat and interact with other fish, it still.... felt so cold to the touch.

Without that yellow sunshine whistling himself a tune in the back kitchen.

Or walking over to the customers with a gleeful dorky smile, that would make anybody's day seem much brighter.

Squidward then, to keep himself from drowning in his loneliness, took some of his free time to wonder back in his mind with a small half smile on his face. 

If only....

For a tiny moment....

He could go back to their sleepover, the other night, and stay a little longer.

Then he would be up all night, watching that stupid kids show, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy with that little sponge, clinging softly around his arm in a giddyful excitement. 

Because to him, that would be his kind of fun.

A childish, but irritably sweet type of happiness.

The thought of them two carrying on and laughing about their days, without a single care in the world, made him feel a deep gush in his heart.

For a while he started to chuckle within his daydream and relax away some of his stress. 

When all of a sudden, Mr. Krabs snuck up on the register boat and interrupted him with a harsh reminder of reality.

"Mr. Squidward!" Mr. Krabs yelled out, enough to startle Squidward back to reality in a whiplash jolt, sitting upright. 

"Y... yes Mr. Krabs?" Squidward asked, on alert. 

"Where's SpongeBob? I told you boys to talk about it and bring him in already. What happened?" Mr. Krabs asked, furiously. 

He hates it when his employees are not in tip top shape for work. 

As if he's never had to experience anything heartbreak related, before. 

"O... oh I.....sigh. I tried Mr. Krabs. He's not coming back to work." Squidward said sadly with his head lowered down. 

"Hmm? Why not?" Mr. Krabs barked on as Squidward looked up at him, directly and instantly changed expressions. 

He gritted his teeth in anger and stood up in a flash of bubbles, seconds. 

He was tired of listening to this old man.

And frankly, is too upset to argue any further about a topic that he knew his boss would never understand, anyways. 

"Because he quit his job and moved away, that's why! Can't you get that through your thick skull?! He's never coming back!!" Squidward yelled out before slamming his boat register door behind him and pushed past his boss to open the restaurant doors and left in a fiery huff. 

"Hey! Get back here Mr. Tentacles! I'm not through talking with you, yet!" Mr. Krabs shouted out, so much that the customers turned their heads all towards his direction, in curiosity. 

"What are you all staring at?! Mind your own business and get back to your eating or I'll have you all kicked out of me restaurant!!!" Mr. Krabs snaped in a warning so defined, that it scared the ever-loving fins out of the fish enough to turn their backs away from him in a flinch. 

When he was able to calm down from his hostile temper, he rubbed his aching back and shook his head in dismay. 

"Argh.... Oh boy. Well, I guess I'll have to hire some new employees then. Although, it would be nice if the young lad would be happy enough to stay." Mr. Krabs said, hopelessly as he walked back to his office room and shut the door behind him. 

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