Chapter 6

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Later on that day, Squidward, who had been looking for SpongeBob all over the place since his recent takeoff for the past 30 minutes, sighed in frustration when he figured that the poor guy must have already left the restaurant while he was talking to Squilvia at the register.

But for what reason, he didn't have much of a clue.

Was it because he was sick?

Did he have to go back home to feed Gary again?

He didn't know.

He wanted to leave right away and check on him, just to be sure that he was okay.

So, he immediately walked over to his boss's office and updated him on the whole scenario of their story.

Without the emotional sleepover that they had last night, of course.

Assuming that Mr. Krabs wouldn't give two hoots about all that drama.

Nor cared to understand it anyhow, unless his greedy money-making claws was involved in the situation, itself.

When he was done explaining it to him, Mr. Krabs sighed like someone who had been on a long, boring car ride and gave out his response.

"Argh....Alright then Mr. Squidward, I guess this means that you can head on home then while I lock me doors up for the night. But, you better find some way to talk this out with him on whatever you two are dealing with here. And bring me fry cook by tomorrow morning or I'll have your head on the fryers got it?" Mr. Krabs said with his eyes squinted, suspiciously.

Unlike what others would say about Mr. Krabs, he can actually be more reasonable than anybody ever realized.

And had always treated Squidward and SpongeBob like his own sons.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Squidward said lightly with his face in a meh like expression, as if he's heard enough threats from the old man.

He then waved goodbye to Mr. Krabs before removing his hat on the stand near the entrance and walked out of the restaurant.


Once he got to Conch Street, which really wasn't that far from work, he went over to SpongeBob's door and knocked on it.

Usually, it would be wide open right away and greeted with a happy bright face that can bring out the sunshine in everyone.

Even in Squidward, when he's not noticing it.

But today was much different and damper with the weather being all suddenly dark and cloudy, to say that it would be the case.

So, Squidward attempts to call out to him and sees if he'll answer him, hoping that it was because he couldn't hear him all the way towards the back of his house.

"SpongeBob! Are you alright in there?! Come on already and open the door!" Squidward shouted out on over through, but alas, no response was ever made.

I guess he's not home, yet.

Squidward thought as he turned around and walked over back to his own house.

He was fixin to unlock his door when all of sudden, he sees a note in front of him and rips out the taped edges from the wood so that he can read it out.

He started to scan though and sees that it written from SpongeBob.

As a....goodbye note!

"What?" Squidward said with a mixture of panic and confusion in his tone while reading out the rest of the letter out loud.

Dear Squidward,

I'm sorry for rushing out on the restaurant and the customers like that in such a hurry, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out of there as soon as I could. So, if you see this note right after you decided to check up on me, like the good friend that you always were, I just want to let you know that I'm fine. I took Gary with me and decided to temporarily move in with my parents until we can find another house, somewhere else. I hope you can understand that. And also, if you get a chance, tell Mr. Krabs that I won't be coming back to work until I'm able to sort all of this out. But, to be frank with you, I haven't really been much honest to you, or rather....with myself lately. And I don't think that I will be able to either because the truth might end up ruining our friendship. Which is why, I've decided to move away from here so that you can have a chance with her again without me getting in the way. Nonetheless, I still wish you the happiest joy with your date and the best of luck with your concert performance on Friday. You're going to do great out there. I believe in you Squiddy.

Love, SpongeBob.

When Squidward was done reading, he begin to pale up in the face while also, unconsciously crumpling up the letter with one hand, to his shock.

It all felt like an uneasy blur.

With raw emotion hanging in the balance of his mind.

As if he was watching a movie that was eerily similar to PS, I love you or Dear John.

Except the difference was, he didn't know how long his goodbye would be.

Or if what he was saying, is actually true.

In which, he was still refusing to believe.

"He....left?" Squidward mumbled softly as he finally manages to unlock the door with his shakened hands and quickly slip inside the house to close it behind him.

Soon, he slowly started to slide down towards the ground, with his back and head against the door frame.

His head was painfully pounding full of numerous, unanswered questions.

His eyes were widened and saddened in hurt.

And his heart was crushed up into bits and pieces that were still hanging on by the thread.

He didn't know what to do.

Or how he'll be able to sleep at all tonight without feeling his soft yellow friend, full of love and comfort, by his side.

That is, if the word 'friend' was the appropriate term to use that would describe their relationship.

Because right now, it didn't feel like that today.

Or yesterday.

Or the many, many days before that.

When both were so close with each other for many years and yet, they were still so far out of reach in communication.

Including their feelings for each other.

It's no wonder that the two of them are much confused with everything that was happening around them so fast.

As Squidward then, suddenly begin to shake and crumple into a curled up ball.

With tears pouring down his face like heavy rain falling from the sky.

Until he eventually picked himself off of the ground and got ready to bed with the wrinkled letter still clenched in his hand.

So, with that being said, as the time turned near towards midnight for both SpongeBob and Squidward later on that night, with both of them still awake and in their own darkened bedrooms, their sleep was only going to be a dreadful, lonely nightmare.

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