chapter five.

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Elton John - Crocodile Rock.


"Holding hands and skimming stones, had an old gold Chevy, a place of my own."

I couldn't help the fit of giggles that erupted from my lips, watching Evie sing her heart out while mimicking herself playing the guitar. Strumming back and forth on nothing but simply air. I bounced on the springs beneath me, the couch sturdy enough to hold two energetic girls, letting my arms wave crazily around in the air as Jett nodded her head so enthusiastically to every beat of the song.

Leon stood beside the coffee table, moving his slim waist from side to side as Harry sat, still absentmindedly watching the rest of us. I couldn't determine the look held in his eyes, whether it were amazement or fear. "But the biggest kick I ever got, was doing a thing called the Crocodile Rock." Leon sang, shimmying his hips in the skin tight blue wash jeans he wore. His studded black belt loosely held across the span of his waist. I let out a squeal, clapping my hands in excitement to Leon's groovy moves being unleashed.

"While the other kids were rocking round the clock, we were hopping and bopping to the Crocodile Rock." Jett harmoniously crawled over the coffee table, reaching Harry and leaping onto the floor beside him, pulling at his hands. His face did not hide the unpleasant mood he seemed to be in, not nearly joyful enough to want to let loose like the rest of us. He rolled his eyes, so high towards the ceiling until they stopped on me, peering behind Jett who stood blocking his view. "Well, Crocodile rocking is something shocking, when your feet just can't keep still." She snickered in Harry's ear, stretching onto her tippy toes to do so, though he continued to look at her like she was the craziest person on earth.

In one sleek movement, one foot in front of the other, I leapt onto the table, steadying myself onto Leon's outstretched hands that flew towards me. Everything seemed so grainy, as if nothing was truly clear enough for me to see properly. Gliding my hands out towards the side, I waved them around to the rhythm that engrained itself into our minds. "I never knew me a better time and I guess I never will." Pointing my hand outwards, into Leon's direction, he threw me a cheeky grin as he fanned his face, letting his hips continue to swing.

A loud 'woo' sounded from Evie, as she took her black tainted nails to dishevel her brunette hair. Wiggling my shoulders, continuously one after the other, I fisted my hand into a makeshift microphone and brought it up towards my cherry tinted lips as I sang, "Oh, lawdy, mama those Friday nights, when Suzie wore her dresses tight." I sunk my way into a kneeling position on the hard surface beneath me, earning loud cheers and whistles coming from the three energetic bodies.

My squinted eyes were home to a cheesy smile, laughing at the own actions of myself as I jumped down onto the carpet once again and sprawled out, suddenly feeling far too cozy to move. My eyes travelled over to Jett who had taken my place on the table, eyes droopy and clearly feeling the effects of the shared joint. I wasn't sure if it were a hallucination of my own mind, but as I arched my head slightly, making sure Harry was at least enjoying himself even in the slightest, his eyes were stagnant on mine.

I could have sworn I'd seen the widening of his lips, causing the sweetest dimples I'd ever witnessed to grace his cheeks. "You're all fuckin' mad." He exhaled, bringing his hand to weave through his tousled locks. I couldn't help but giggle, letting my head rest gently onto the carpeted floor, I could feel the heat of Harry's now resting leg not far from my head, though I felt too caught up in the rush of dizziness to care to move.

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