chapter eight.

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"You like it, right? Blends well?"

"Um, play it one more time."

The four sets of eyes rolled, all huffing before taking their places again to play me the start of the song they'd been practicing. Shifting my weight onto my other foot, arms crossed and body in front of the door, waiting for them to continue.

Avery had left only a mere hour ago, leaving me to fit in an quick fifteen minute nap on the outside lounge, soaking up the sun that shone so brightly, making sure to cover every inch of me in suncream beforehand. It was four in the afternoon when Jett so suddenly began blabbering into my ear, waking me up as if she had missed seeing my closed eye state. After I'd come to terms with my surroundings once again, she'd pulled me all the way into the room they'd barely stepped out of, Jett begging me to listen to what they'd been working on for more than half the day. Walking into the crammed room, my eyes roamed from Leon who held a guitar with its strap slung over his shoulder, various stickers placed upon it that the original colour was far from being seen.

Evie stood in her sweet cherry romper that I could have sworn used to be mine, I eyed her as she held the microphone to her lips, making a mental note to sneak it back into my closet later on when she was asleep. Jett's red lips moved as she spoke to me, from what I could understand without giving her my full attention, I was to 'stand there and let the music take my soul'. My head nodded quickly, the rest of my attention glancing over to Harry who sat towards the back of the room, behind a mean looking drum set that seemed to match his demeanour. His hard stare not on me, but rather on the task of lighting the cigarette that hung from between his lips.

"Last time, and then you tell us what you think, okay?" Jett pointed, taking small steps to pick up her sizzling red guitar as I nodded. Leon sent me a quick wink as he began wiggling his fingers in preparation for the notes about to be hit, a sudden countdown sounded from Harry as the music then began to play. The four of them blending their own melodies into one, Evie sweetly started with a hum, letting the guitar strums from both Leon and Jett make way for the light taps of Harry on the drums. Immediately I could feel it, the rhythm and vibe coursing it's way through my body, wanting nothing more than to move myself with it. Though in a sudden last hit, it all stopped, their faces watching me in hopefulness, except one.

Gathering that what they wanted to show me was over, I nodded my head slowly, "Wow you guys, yeah," I praised while letting my smile grow wider, "that was absolutely killer." The panic I tried to hide may have been showing more than I'd liked, I had fully understood that they were showing me a song, something consisting in full length. "You hate it." Evie slumped, bringing her hand to swipe her hair to one side. "No. No not at all, it sounded really good, I-"

"Your face kinda says it all right now, love bug."

I dropped my glance to Leon as he chuckled, waving my hand in front of my body in defence, "God, no it was really good, I was just expecting an entire song so I prepared myself for one, that's why, seriously I loved it." Jett slid the guitar strap from her shoulders, laying it in the case that was at her feet. Rubbing her temples just like I did when I'd have a headache, "Uh, fuck. We've been in here all fucking day and got nothing." She huffed, taking a seat on the speaker box beside her.

"Not nothing, you've got that," I chimed in, trying to lighten the mood I seemed to have darkened, "and it's a perfect start." Wavering my eyes around the room, they all appeared to be out of it, done with the day and all it offered. "Are you just saying that because you have to?" Evie asked as her eyes focused on mine, "Of course not."

The room became filled to the brim with a haze so thick, compacted in the four walls we were in, the smoke emitting for the cigarette Harry held becoming much too strong for my senses. I scrunched up my nose, wiggling it in the slightest as I began to back myself up against the siding door. "We have to do somethin' soon. Somethin' to inspire us so we aren't stuck on making our music work, this hardly ever fuckin' happens." The three of them nodded as Jett spoke, all seemingly frustrated with the predicament they found themselves in. My gaze fixated on the floor, trying to stay stagnant in a situation I couldn't relate to, "Mabel, you're coming too." Raising my brown eyes, I travelled them over to Leon, who had now begun to unplug the cord to his guitar.

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