chapter seven.

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Underwater. My eyes were hardly able to adjust.

Controlling my arms as best I could to keep me under, my surroundings became clear enough for me to see the dark blue tiled pattern of our pool. There was no noise, apart from the slight hum of the water, it was peaceful. Tiny bubbles escaping from my mouth as I let out a breath, feeling the water work it's way into my mouth. The deep blue around me seemed to get darker, angling my head upwards from the bottom of the pool, the warped dark shadow loomed heavy over me as I tried to hold my failing breath.

The minuscule air that was left slowly faded into nothing, causing for the automatic push of my feet, allowing for that sweet serene gush of air to navigate straight towards my lungs. Gasping as my head flew above the waters surface, I narrowed my eyes on the waiting shadow that I now knew belonged to Avery.

"What, I go to the bathroom for three seconds and come back to find you like that." The hand placed on her hip gripped tighter as she pushed it out further, watching me with sharp brows and two popsicles in hand. Treading over towards the shallower end of the pool, I flew my fingers back through my now wet hair, "It's peaceful?" I stated with a grin on my cheeks, knowing she was trying to be sassy with me though I wouldn't let her.

Avery rolled her eyes with a giggle, brushing the dark curls of her hair behind her ear, "Popsicle?" I nodded my head, never passing up on the watermelon essence that melted from the pink icy block. I walked up the two steps of the pool, emerging from the water, feeling all of the beads rush from my body. Quickly, I yanked the two sides of my hips where the lime green of my swim bottoms sat, knowing the water was always strong enough for them to move out of their place.

"Take a breather and then pool in five?"

"Absolutely, I need some sugar in me." She beamed as she carefully rolled down the paper packaging. Avery had popped by in the morning, as we'd agreed to many weeks ago when planning a pool day for the two of us. I'd woken up in angst, not wanting to find the house completely trashed as it had been last night. Though much to my surprise, Evie had worked wonders of an angel, almost as if the night before hadn't even happened at all. I definitely wasn't sure how she managed to do it all, but it was the fact that she had and I was happy with that. "Do they always practise so fucking loud? Can we not enjoy some quiet time, soaking up the sun like we do every summer." Avery slurped on her popsicle as she sat upon a long lounge chair opposite the pool, I did the same, swinging my legs around on my own, getting comfy and extending my legs down the entirety of it.

The loud thumping vibrations came from the outside room, where Hot Mess has decided to take reigns. They'd all woken up simultaneously, moping their way around the house, not a single word falling from their lips and it were an off putting sight to see since they had slowly become the noise of the house. Pulling the popsicle from its paper, I gave the watermelon goodness a lick as I shrugged, "I don't know Ave, they went in their since after breakfast and haven't come out since."

Slow guitar strums quaked through the backyard, it didn't bother me as much now as it had before, though we were yet to hear any consistent music, instead just a snippet of different melodies. "Have they played for you before? You're so lucky you get first sight of them." Resting my head back against the chair, swiping my aviators from the grass where I'd previously thrown them, I pushed them to sit comfortably on the bridge of my nose. "They haven't, and it's only because Evie's my sister and they have nowhere else to practise." I scrunched up my face, turning towards Avery as she let out a chuckle.

"Okay, but still, you get to live with fucking hot pieces of ass for the whole summer. How do you live with yourself?"

Almost choking on the melted flavour dripping from the ice block, I peered over towards a sun soaked Avery, "Uh, sorry what." Propping one of her legs over the other as she lay, I tore my gaze away from her, now bringing it towards the bright blue sky above. "Oh don't give me that. You know what I mean." She scoffed, scrunching her face up. It were true, I knew exactly what she meant. I knew that she too has eyes like my own, appreciating the canvas in which my new housemates were built on.

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