chapter thirty six.

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I took a quick step back from Harry once the door opened, and in walked Leon, Jett and Evie.

They greeted Dee and Eli in time for Harry and I to not look as suspicious as we must have seemed. And so I eyed Harry in hopes he would understand my look of 'remember, we're just friends', even though that made no sense in my mind because either way, that's all we were going to be.

But he got me, he always did. He shoved his hands back in his pockets and trailed over to his friends. I did the same, but at a much slower pace so that the awkward greeting I would give, wouldn't be as horrid as it seemed in my mind. I glanced over towards Dee who already had her eyes on me, she seemed just as confused as I did about why everyone was here. Eli seemed out of his comfort zone by a mile at the surprise, though he stood and nodded at each of them.

"Surprise!" Evie squealed, rushing over to me, "We thought we'd come and see how the place is going." She said as she pulled me into a hug. With my chin on Evie's shoulder I could see Dee discreetly clench her jaw. "I was gonna say," Dee laughed, exuding the fact that she wasn't impressed, "I don't remember handing out an open invitation." As Evie stepped back, she laughed it off, hugging Dee and clearly not getting the memo.

I took a breath and focused on the fan above me, praying for more of the cool air to hit me because this situation was only making me heated, and not the good kind. Aside from the fact that I was embarrassed for Evie and her obliviousness that nobody was really welcome as of yet to the shop, she seemed ready and rearing to go for whatever she had in mind. "We're you're friends Dee, live a little." Evie laughed, and if looks could kill I would have guessed that Evie would have been six feet under already.

Even I knew that Dee was only friends with them through Harry, meaning that their bond wasn't as close and surprise visits like these weren't that appreciated. I swallowed an awkward gulp, my eyes going back and forth from Dee and Evie. I hadn't noticed Leon making his way over to me, but I felt his hand on my shoulder as he looked at me sideways, "How's my favourite love bug doin'?" He asked, nudging me.

I met his eyes, "Doing good. Just tired, it's been a long day." A yawn coincidently fell upon my lips and I rose my hand immediately to cover my open mouth. "Long day? What did you do here all day to possibly tire you out?" Evie laughed, and out of the corner of my eye, Harry's already tall figure stood a little straighter. I focused on him behind Evie, his frown deciding whether he wanted to say something or not.

Though Dee piped up before I could even begin to think of an appropriate response, "She did a fuck tonne actually, taught her probably everything she has to know. Eli tattooed with her, she loved it, didn't you sweets?" Her head turned my way as did everybody else's.

I wasn't sure who to look at first, but my eyes fled to Harry and I could instantly feel the way something bitter filled up in his expression. "It was really great." I nodded, eyes still on him. His signature smirk wasn't present and I kind of hated that I would rather it be there than not. He broke away from me first, looking over at a nodding Dee who went onto explain her own day. Did Harry want to be the one to teach me himself? I wasn't sure. I was working at a damn tattoo shop though, surely he knew he had to be quicker than that.

But I breathed, remembering I couldn't control everything, and tuned back into their conversation. "Yeah they made a shitty mistake, not sure if they misunderstood the plan I showed them or if they misunderstood me, either way, I'm actually really glad with the new room." Dee's body inched closer to the dreaded new room as she swung open the door. I moved back so that everybody could move closer, and they did, Jett and Evie zoomed their way over as if their lives depended on it, Leon stalked forward calmly, and Harry seemed to wait for everybody to get there until he started moving closer.

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