chapter twenty nine.

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Pretty Boy- The Neighbourhood,
for the story, it's by Harry.🍒



"That good?"

"Oh my god. So good. So good Harry."

I pulled the slice away from my lips, watching the string melt and stretch away. The sensations happening in my mouth were everything I'd needed. And who would have known that Harry was able to make the most mind blowing grilled cheese to date.

He stood leant over the counter again, simply watching me eat. His eyes were intense and made sure to follow my every bite. "I'm getting hard just watching you eat." He said so casually, making a small piece of bread lodge itself in my throat. I coughed out and breathed hard, "I'm going to pretend that you're just joking." I told him, with a hand over my mouth after taking another bite.

"Not joking," He shook, "definitely not joking." I rolled my eyes with a blush, focusing back on the fresh goodness like putty in my hands. Each crisp mouthful fuelled my belly and I soaked in the pleasure of being satisfied once I'd finished the two slices.

I rounded the bench with the dirty plate in my hand and carefully placed it with the other dishes that Harry was washing. He stood hunched over the sink, gloves on and soap accumulating as he washed the things he had used. I grinned as he sighed at the sight of an added plate, "Please?" I gave him my sweetest most saddest face and I saw the physical frown on his cheeks as if he simply couldn't resist even if he tried. "If you must." He said, like he really had the choice of declining when we both knew he wouldn't.

With happiness sprawling upon my face, I smoothed my hands over his bare chest and reached up on my tippy toes so that my mouth hovered beside his ear. "You know... even though you were a little shit tonight, I must admit that you look very sexy right now. Almost so sexy that I may already be wet." And with my plan of diversion working like a treat, I reached my free hand out until it hit the stream of water coming from the tap. I could hear his breathing harden and within an instant, I sprawled my wet hand out towards him, splashes of cold water hitting his skin.

I stepped back in a fit of laughter, my hands covering my mouth as I gawked at his irritated face that grew scarier by the second. "Almost?!" He shrieked as if that was all he could focus on, and as he quickly snapped his head to meet my gaze— so predatorily like it meant war— my lips parted and I let out a squeal as I jetted off and sprinted for the stairs. My chest was moving at a rapid speed as the mixture of being scared and excited all at the same time kicked in.

"You don't spray water on me and then get away with it beautiful, you're so dead." His voice boomed from the living room and I let out a half cry half cackle at his words. I double stepped the stairs like I'd never done before, but running was not my thing and I could already hear and feel that he was close behind me. "Wait! Wait, wait, wait!! That was-" I shrieked loudly again before I continued, "I didn't mean it." I whined, spitting out my words so fast that not even I could really understand them.

Once I reached the top of the stairs, I used the wall to steady myself as I went straight for my bedroom. Pushing the door open, I didn't have time to turn on the light before I swung it closed. But the action never happened as a very large, very sturdy palm came against the door. Putting it to a complete halt. I new that I was done for and my cheeky little giggles of before were completely washed away with my fear of being caught.

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