chapter thirty eight.

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Cream- Prince.
(Play this in the background for a more cinematic experience and feel).


I ran quick.

As quick as my thick heels would allow me. Away from the crowd, past the long hallway, until I was met with several doors. I circled around and turned, trying to think about which door Harry would be behind and why the hell they each had a seperate room. Did they not come as a packaged deal?

Huffing on the spot, I racked my brain, running my clammy palms over the frill of my dress. I turned around again, until my eyes focused on a very familiar beaded necklace hung around the door knob. The same necklace I'd seen today. It really felt like I'd hit the jackpot, stepping forward and looking to make sure nobody was around, I knocked.

Before I could process it happening, the door was yanked open and a firm grip pulled me in by my wrist. "Hi baby." Harry breathed out, shutting the door, his minty breath playing against my lips. With my back flat against the wood, I wandered my eyes down to Harry's open silk vest. "Hi." I exhaled, finally at peace. His hands planted on either sides of my head, he leant forward, his lips just touching mine.

"Was hopin' you'd come find me." He exhaled, resting his forehead against my own as he breathed me in. "You knew I would come?" I asked as I rose my hand to rest against his soft cheek. His wet tongue swiped through my lips as he spoke, "That's what happens when you're made for each other." I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, wanting to roll my eyes at his sweet talk but also knew it melted my heart.

I ran my thumb over the smooth skin of his under eye, "Why you laughin' baby?" He watched me intently, his body pushing up right against mine. His skin felt heated underneath my finger, as I trailed it down his cheek, coming to stop just beneath his jaw. "If we're so made for each other, how come you're still going to leave?" I asked him honestly, feeling his hands settle as they cupped the sides of my neck.

My skin tingled with each breath I took, the heat around us only increasing. He knew I was just playing around, and right now I wanted him a lot more than I did his answer. "Cheeky fuckin' girl." He tsked as he shook his head slowly. I broke out into a grin, darting my tongue out to touch his lips as I spoke, "You're getting too good at melting my heart with those songs you write." His eyes flickered from mine to my lips, "Wouldn't have been able to write them if I hadn't met you." His fingers smoothed over the skin of my neck until he gently cupped me, his hand so large it almost wrapped around my neck completely.

I felt the action sent heat straight to my core, his uneven breaths sounding between us. "You inspire me so fuckin' much Mae." I softened into his hold, letting my eyes run over every inch of his damp skin. My fingers trailed up his inked arm, heat radiating from the both of us as I placed my hand over his own on my neck. He watched the action, and I watched him. It felt ironic that we had spoken earlier today about waiting to have sex, that we weren't rushing anything. I knew he would wait for me even if it meant waiting forever. And even though every moment with him felt right, it was this moment right here that I truly wanted.

Guiding my hand over his own, I squeezed the smallest bit, loving the way Harry pulled his bottom lip through his teeth. "You like my songs that much?" He laughed out in a breath that sounded more pained than amused. I quirked my head to the side, not knowing what in gods name had come over me, "I like you that much."

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