chapter thirty four.

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I stomped up the driveway, like a little girl who'd gotten into trouble. God I was so over this whole day. The past few hours felt like a complete blur, I was well aware that it was bordering on two in the morning, a brand new day— technically— but I felt no better than I had before.

Fiddling with the key in my hand, I knelt down onto the ground, getting a better view of where I was supposed to insert it. After a good minute of trying, the door swung back and my body slumped with it. "Ouch. Fuck, my elbow." I whined, fully on my hands and knees now, crawling forwards and kicking the door closed behind me with the heel of my boot.

Manoeuvring my body, I made sure the door was locked, before I landed my back against it with a tired huff. That took far too much effort than I was willing to admit, and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness surrounding me, I noticed a rather muscular shadow sitting in the armchair to my right.

I couldn't make out who it was, my drunken state didn't help either, and so with wide eyes and a brain wanting to do nothing but sleep, I yawned, "I've had a big night... if you're going to get me, I'll tell you now, I physically won't be able to run." It was the instant scoff that told me it was no stranger sitting in that armchair all on it's lonesome. And I found it even more disgraceful of myself to know what Harry sounded like when he scoffed.

"I can't deal with you right now," I shook my head, trying to scramble up onto my feet, "When I meant it wasn't your day, I meant I needed to sleep it off and see you tomorrow." My hand held onto the wall for dear life and I tried to watch him as seriously as he was watching me, but honestly, I was still seeing double. "It's technically the next day." He grumbled, and I knew he was annoyed, I had no idea why.

As I took a few steps closer, I could see that he had changed into his black boxers, sitting low on his hips as they were, I bid my eyes to look far from the snail trail that called my name. "No. I'm not doing this shit with you Harry, you knew what I meant. You should have gone to bed." I folded my arms across my chest, irritated that he had even waited for me, as if I were still a child. That was debatable right now, but I damn wasn't.

"Well I'm not in bed and you'll just have to deal with me." His voice was stern and I wasn't quite sure if he thought I would oblige to his attempt to get me to listen. Surely he knew I wouldn't. "You've already made me feel like shit enough tonight, but you wanna keep going? Sure. Lay it all on me." I insisted, trudging along to the armchair opposite him, the coffee table now the only thing between our fiery gazes.

I really didn't like the way my body now felt warmer under his watchful eye, I was supposed to be mad at him damn it. But I was, I was still so mad at him and I wouldn't give into his chiseled chest and spread thighs. "I didn't mean to hurt you that way baby, I hadn't seen you in so long and all I wanted to do was hold you. My words came out way too raw but I hadn't meant that I'd forgotten about you. Yes, I made a poor judgment in thinking that Evie would have called, she should, she should have definitely called. But... I should have as well." He finished his spiel, voice kept low and controlled. His palms were gripping each arm of the chair and his left leg bounced with nerves.

Staring at his expectant face, him waiting for an answer, I only continued to stare, waiting for more. "I'm sorry baby. I'm really fuckin' sorry." His voice turned softer as he leant forward, placing his head in his hands as if he were frustrated with himself. "You don't know how to deal with a neglected person-" I flatly began, though pausing when he rose his head and spoke, "I'm trying, and I'll keep trying."

I shook my head, the alcohol suddenly deciding to leave my body of all its effects. A weight felt placed upon my shoulders, that was how I knew I felt myself again. "You cut me off," I teased, almost forgetting that I'd even been mad at him, "I was going to say, I don't even know how to deal with a neglected person... and I am that neglected person." My words spoken out loud felt scarier than they had sounded in my mind.

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