chapter sixty one.

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Harry had done something so outrageous as given me the key to his apartment. Or rather, he'd gotten another key from the front desk and now, now one of them was mine.

I'd never been given a key to anywhere before. So of course I'd memorised every aspect of the moment when he'd so casually slipped it into my palm. He'd said, "Baby, I've got work today, want you at my apartment when I come home." And I wondered who in their right mind would ever decline such a thing.

After another long day of working at Hades' Ink, I had slipped the new, shiny key into the new doorknob and walked into the new surroundings. New. New. New. Everything was beginning to feel like the first proper time. Of having a steady man in my life. Of receiving real love. Of being out in the world on my own as an adult.

Because even though I'd been on my own for most of my life, now was the time where it all felt real. Real enough for me to understand, 'Oh yes, I'll wear this today but then it'll have to go into the wash tomorrow. Oh yes, this would be great for dinner tonight but then what will be great for dinner tomorrow? Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes. This and that and this.'

It was why I allowed myself to feel giddy at the cold metal of the key as it sat clutched in my palm. Because I would remember this moment. I would think back and remember how the key was so cold on my skin but how excited I was for my first real make-yourself-at-home kind of place.

I was in Harry's apartment, waiting for him to finish work and get home. Home. This was my first visit and yet the space welcomed me so sweetly I already considered it my home too. Not in an authoritative way. Just in a way where the feel was so similar to my own apartment that it welcomed me all the same.

My packed duffle bag was dropped beside the door. I had already laid myself down on the couch just to feel it's warmth. The cushions were soft yet the right about of firmness. And all I could think about was how this couch had seated Harry many times before. He'd felt it's warmth. In fact, his presence was scattered all around the apartment even though he wasn't here himself.

Now in my george michael tee, dark blue underwear and my hair flowing over my shoulders from letting it dry naturally the night before, I had seated myself in front of the television. Not sitting on the couch, though on the floor with my back against it. MTV was running and I had my eyes glued to the screen as John Parr's — St Elmo's Fire— fled throughout the room. Not only did I love the song, but it reminded me of the first time I'd watched the movie and how badly I needed to watch it again.

My knees were bent and huddled to my chest as my foot tapped to the beat of the song. It was nearing six o'clock and I had only been here for an hour or so. I hadn't done anything drastic, just pranced around the room a little, weary of touching too many things as I didn't want to seem snoopy. Not that Harry would know. But I'd know. And anyway, I didn't feel the urge to look around so drastically. I welcomed the space just as it had welcomed me. 'Hi, how are you? Good? You're lovely. Thank you so much for letting me stay. Could I sit? Just here? Yes? Thank you! Thank you!'

So my body sat relaxed and I embraced the feel around me. The air was filled with the faint scent of Harry's aftershave. Although I had been in the apartment long enough now for the smell to become acquainted with my senses. Though from time to time I would notice it again. So I would breathe it in until it evaporated and then I would long for when it would come again.

As the ending notes of St Elmo's Fire carried out, the screen darkened and I awaited the next song. The instant image of a lone jukebox appeared and I could recognise that anywhere. My grin only widened as church organs began chiming and I kicked my feet up and down as I let out an excited squeal.

At the same time that george appeared before me, leaning up against the jukebox so cooly, the door to my left softly clicked open and in walked the sight of a navy jumpsuit clad Harry. Now I didn't know who to look at. Though the decision wasn't hard as I pushed myself up from the floor and leaped over to Harry, throwing my hands around his neck.

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