chapter fifty five.

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The morning light kissed my skin, all of its warmth, it woke me up.

My lids fluttered open, closed, open.

Soft little snores sounded and my brows pinched together as I opened my eyes properly. Dee sat sprawled over the armchair opposite me. Her dainty feet dangling over one side of the arm, while her long hair flowed down amongst the other.

I smiled weakly in my sleepy state.

My mouth felt dry as I swallowed. My stomach growled. Something felt different, I gathered. Even though the morning light was erupting through the curtains, peaking through a space where the two sides didn't exactly meet, I felt as though the soft morning light literally shone through me.

I felt warm and safe and alive.

I rolled my head along the soft cushion, to the side. I peered right at the source.

Harry was hunched over, sleeping peacefully on the other end of the small couch. We were both crammed on it. I was laying on my side, feet placed over Harry's lap, his hands gently holding onto my ankle. His head was down, hair completely fallen over his forehead. He was breathing peacefully. At ease.

His jacket was off, laying messily by his feet. The morning sun shone through the window so glowingly over his skin, a golden hue so powerful I had to blink a couple times to make sure it wasn't only my eyes trying to adjust. It wasn't. It was all him.

He was glowing at the seams, at every delicately placed crease. As if a magnetic field had been carefully moulded around his body and demanded for him to shine. He did. He always did.

It was like my eyes were so convinced that what I was seeing was too perfect to be real, 'Blink! Blink! Don't stare too long, he's so perfect we don't want him to break. Are you sure he's real? How did you even find him?' My eyes gushed in awe as if they had a mind of their own. As if my eyes, brain, heart, every little thing in my body were not interconnected as such, but together because of one another's company. They thrived. They worked together as one. Their friendship a testament of the very word.

I rubbed at my eyes, pleading for my drowsiness to come back later like I knew it would. Harry was unaware of me now, so wrapped up by the arms of sleep. I felt like I could get a good look at him, he wasn't able to grasp onto any emotions I may have given away like he could when he was awake.

My head rested against the arm of the couch as I pushed myself up slightly, uncomfortably so, but worth it. He looked like every car ride I'd ever taken where I'd fallen asleep. He looked rid of the guilt he so normally carried these days.

I frowned, focusing on his restful closed eyes, feeling guilty for being the person who reminded him to carry that guilt in the first place.

I hadn't meant to, or maybe I had. I had once cursed him for making it feel like I was a person easy to leave. I had wanted him to know or realise how his actions had made me feel, and then I wanted him to feel just that.

For just once, I wanted somebody to feel the weight of what I felt. There was no better person for that than the one who made me feel it.

His energy ran through mine, even though he was mindlessly stagnant, enchanted by sleep like a siren, I still felt his liveliness gushing through his hand on my ankle.

My heart ached a little with that thought. I'd never known somebody to go back on their word with good intentions to start over. To want to undo the pain they had caused and to follow through with making me believe that.

I had never had to look the pain maker in the eye and wish to take back the guilt they were shackled down with in my head. 'Please!', I tried to persuade the keeper to my mind, 'I know we believed that he didn't deserve us anymore, but he's good now! I can see it! I swear I can see it! Unlock the door, please. I can't go forward if you won't let me go through!'.

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