chapter ten.

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INXS- Don't Change.


I stared at him. His green hued, bright eyes running over me, wondering if he'd made the right call. Making sure he hadn't overstepped any boundaries, hadn't crossed any non existent lines between the two of us. Though as I processed the outcome of his offer, drank in the worried expression he held, I remembered there were no lines to cross, there were no nothings, he was simply helping me at a time in need.

A genuine offer that I wasn't used to receiving.

"More than anything. I just, don't know how we're going to- there's no way we can get past them without questions." I stated, raising my hands to run them through the ends of my hair. "Also, you know you're really lucky there isn't anyone else in here right now." I breathed out with a smile tugging on my lips.

"Yeah?" Was all he said, his voice hoarse and questionable, bringing his free hand to fumble with his bottom lip. Red instantly found my cheeks, colouring them more than they'd needed as I realised the way I had chosen to word my previous observation. "Oh my god, not like- I didn't mean it- that really came out not-"



"Take a breath, I was just tryin' to bring that smile back. Which I seemed to have maybe, made worse?" He analysed, my hands fiddling with one other as I could feel the worried scrunch of my face. Taking a breath, just as he'd said, I washed away any deeper meaning that dared to play on my mind, a shaky laugh escaping from my lips as I grinned, "Oh no, totally knew you were trying to do that, I just enjoy verbally freaking out sometimes, it's kinda my thing."

"I made you freak out?" He asked, his gentle nature mixed in with ulterior motives of trying to get me to say something I had to make sure I wouldn't. Quite literally all of my former words had been twisted and I wasn't sure how I'd exactly gotten myself here to begin with. Shaking my head hurriedly, I folded my arms across my chest, hoping my stance looked just as intimidating as Harry's did, "Of course not. In other news, we should maybe leave the bathroom as soon as possible, not the greatest place, each to their own though," I began, a tumble of words running off my rambling, nervous tongue, "maybe I could pretend to be sick? Bad burger? You're taking me home?"

"Oh I'm taking you home?" Harry quirked an eyebrow up at his own slow words, the state of his lips not having moved from their curved action.

"Jesus Harry, you know what I mean."

He let out a small chuckle, shoving his keys into his right pocket, "Come on then, you're supposed to be sick," He hinted, brining his hands out, almost as if he were counting on his fingers, "bad burger, I'm taking you home- easy, that's our job done."

Taking one step closer, a breath releasing from my wound up chest, Harry eyed me back, as if we were really about to embark on some serious life threatening mission. The both of us nodding in unison, I wrapped my hand around the door knob beside us, pulling it open and summoning the acting skills I very much lacked only moments ago.

Clutching my stomach, I staggered over into view, pain etched into my facial features as I slowly neared the table, far too many sets of eyes on me now though I was too into the plan to back out. "Where have you been? Poor Jax has been waiting, what took you so long?" My father scowled, shaking my head immediately, I breathlessly began my moment, "So sorry about that guys, I'm seriously not-" I stopped, bringing a hand to cover my mouth, "feeling good at all, something clearly didn't sit right, bad burger I think."

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