A Phone Call, Overheard

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 Between the icy chill at practice whenever I have to interact with Jamie and the forced friendship I portray during the play with Jessie, I arrive home each night emotionally frayed. My father says very little, being in the middle of something or another at work, and I offer even less. What plagues me most are all the words I long to say, the emotions I long to express, but cannot. Each night I fall into bed, too worn out even to cry. Wokie alone knows the whole of it, and he holds my secrets close in his loyal doggie heart.

One evening as I lie on my bed, hoping to fall asleep, I hear my brother's phone rang. He answers it and flips to the speaker, assuming I am asleep.

"I'm worried," Danny's voice floods the line.

Felix agrees. "Me too. Even our mom poked her head out of her room to check in with Cheyanne."

"For such a popular girl she sure is lousy at making friends," Danny comments. I want to be annoyed, but where is the lie?

Felix chuckles. "She doesn't want any new friends. She seems like such a social butterfly, but in reality Cheyanne likes a small group of friends and that's all." Felix is quiet for a moment. "I just really want to punch that Carl asshole in the face."

"I consider decking him after rehearsal," Danny states. "I don't even think Mr. Gilmore would care too much." I decide to leave my brother and boyfriend to their discussion, and drift off to sleep.

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