Girl Talk and Twin Brothers

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Jessie and I chat about practice and our routine as Jamie wanders into the communal girls' locker room. "How'd you do?" I ask as I slide my school top back on and throw my practice shirt into my gym bag.

"They're gonna call tonight," Jamie answers, pulling her knee pads off and throwing them into her locker. "Hi, Jessie," she adds. Progress!

"Hi," Jessie answers, putting on deodorant before throwing the stick back in her locker. "Good luck," she adds.

"What time does football get out?" Jamie asks, then adds "thanks" in Jessie's general direction. Her muffled voice gives the impression of her being underwater.

"Dad's going to pick us and Felix up out front at 5:30, so hopefully soon."

"Your brother's so cute," Erica throws in from Jessie's other side.

I make a face. Oh, good god, it starts...

Erica smiles. "He's so cute," she repeats.

"See you tomorrow, Jessie," I say. "I'll put in a word for you, Erica." I will, too...and that word will be FLIRT. Of course, my flirt-of-a-brother would be well served to date someone as flirtatious as he is.

"Sweet!" Erica exclaims as Jamie and I leave the locker room.

Outside, Felix lounges in the grass under a tree, his arms behind his head. "Howdy, ladies."

"What did you make?" I demand, dropping my bags and flopping onto the warm grass.

"Varsity," he answers casually, brushing his shoulder off with his hand.

I roll my eyes. "Congrats," I say, plopping down next to Felix

and investigating my Swatch. "Dad's got three minutes before he's late."

"Let's hope he didn't get stuck behind a train or we'll be here until we're sophomores. They really should fix that train situation up there at Michigan State." Jamie loves the University of Michigan and takes delight in annoying me. Felix gives Jamie a high five; his love of the Wolverines mostly stems from an urge to annoy our father.

Dad's blue SUV is not late. He greets us, heartily congratulating Felix on making varsity.

"Now I have a reason to go to the games," he teases, winking at me in the rearview mirror. I stick my tongue out at him, bidding Jamie goodbye for the evening.

I swear to god if Erica goes out with my brother, I will change stunt groups. I don't want to be throwing a flyer up and have some part of the back of my mind wondering if my stunt partner is Frenching my twin brother.

Do I need an attitude adjustment?


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