This Kiss

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That afternoon, while snuggled up under the large maple tree in front of the building, I tell Danny about the invite. Before we ever became boyfriend and girlfriend, we hung out plenty at the bowling alley. We nearly had lane 14 at the alley declared our indefinitely. Unfortunately, his parents are going out of town and taking Danny with them to a conference in Ohio.

"I wish I could go," he says softly, my head on his chest.

"No big deal," I answer. "I'm sure it will be a lot of fun just us girls."

He smiles and then begins kissing me softly for the first time in a couple of weeks. Feeling bold and warm all over, I kiss back. Danny grips me a little harder.

The world simply disappears around me. The sound from boys' soccer practice, the gentle feel of the fall breeze on my arms, the smell of the leaves crunching under my hand, all vanish from my conscious mind as I let the feel of Danny overwhelm me.

A honking vehicle is just about the only thing that could separate us. We fly apart like magnetic poles, embarrassed but relieved the honker is only Danny's older sister. I wave, relieved to see that the collegian is laughing.

"Heeeey Cheyanne!" Jane calls out her open window.

"Hi!" I call back. "See you, Danny."

Cheyanne,I like kissing you.Danny

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