Side Story 1.1 - Seeking Out

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I was wandering through the forest a few miles from the house. The sun was just peeking up, and I knew my family was still asleep at home. The birds chirped in greeting to me, and the rabbits poked out their heads to watch me walk by.  I was used to this. No animal feared me, rather, they all felt safe around me. Prey animals, especially. The ones here had learned that the predators wouldn't attack if I was near. My brothers often joked that I was a Disney princess.

I heard the call on the wind. I was being summoned by the spirits. I drew in my energy, and as I walked forward, passed into the Spirit Realm.

My abilities weren't the same as the Spirit Warriors who used to protect the Quileute tribe. They were able to bring their spirits into what I called the "Bridge" to communicate with animals and manipulate the elements. When I crossed over, my whole body was transferred into the true land of spirits. The home of those who'd been living people once, and the more powerful elder spirits- what many would call gods.

"Rava," a raspy voice called. It spoke in the language that could only be understood by those in this realm; I called it the True Tongue. I had been able to speak it from the moment I was born, and all my thoughts were concealed through it being my natural tongue.

"Time, it's good to see you. What task do you have for me?" Time was not the spirit's name. But I chose to call it that because whenever it called me, it was time to complete one of my tasks.

The pale silver form before me reached out and touched my face. "Not only a task, but a reward. The warriors need their fates. It is time to give them help."

My breath caught and I was filled with hope. "It's time then? I finally get to meet him?"

My answer came in a vision. Brielle Hale, speaking with the Cullens. She was telling them about my family's existence. It was time to go back. I would meet the man who would imprint upon me.

I'd thought about him often since they showed me his face. Warm brown eyes, short hair that was slightly longer on top, and a gentle smile. His wolf was a light grey with darker patches spotting his fur.

"Thank you. I will complete the task you've given me. You have my word."

And then I was back at the house, dashing up the stairs. Everyone else had gone into the nearest town for one of our infrequent supply trips. They would inevitably be back soon. I threw together a bag. A few dresses, a couple pairs of jeans, and some blouses. I had four pairs of shoes and I threw two in- my brown boots and my black Vans. I wasn't a fan of shoes, and I didn't wear them very often.

I paused. Pulling one of the dresses out, as well as some underwear, a bra, and socks, I dashed to my bathroom to take a quick shower. While drying my hair it became clear that I'd have to cut it soon. I only cut it every few years, but there was no way I'd be able to dry it all without my arms going numb. I gave up and got dressed.

When I was done I checked myself in my bedroom mirror. Anomolous green eyes stared back. My still damp black hair, with its one white streak fell straight down my sides. I was wearing my favorite green, long sleeve skater dress that fell to mid thigh. Though it was winter, I didn't need a coat. My parents both had their high inhuman temperatures, and that was one of the few things that got passed down to me. Still, I put my knee length brown boots on, just to keep my feet out of the snow.

The garage opened down stairs. I threw my phone and wallet into a small purse, grabbed my bag and practically flew down the stairs.

My brothers were hauling in groceries. I put my bag down and ran out the front door and stood next to the trees.

Mom stared at me suspiciously. "Are you going somewhere, Raven?"

"Yes. I'm headed to La Push. You'll need to come after me. Dad and the boys, too. Brielle told the Cullens about us, so I'm sure they'll want to speak with you. Can you bring my bag by the stairs?" I turned and ran for the tree line.

"Raven Saoirse McCabe!" Mom screamed after me. I was gonna be in so much trouble when she caught me.

But I was already in the spirit realm.

For as long as I can remember, I'd always felt a pull west when I crossed over. The spirits told me I needed to be strong and ignore it. Now though, I followed it eagerly. There was no sense of time or distance as I traveled, surround by light as the call of my fate pulled me.

And then there was rejoicing. The spirits of the Quileute lands sang out in joyful tones. Happy voices welcomed me back. I reached out and returned their happiness. I was ecstatic. I had known this was where I needed to go all my life. Now I was finally here. Home.

I heard the packs' voices too. They were searching for me. I guess someone had called ahead. I briefly peered into Sam Uley's mind. The assumed alpha was uncertain. He didn't know what exactly he was supposed to expect. None of them did.

Then I reached out to find the mind I really wanted to find. He was very serious, completely focused. But like me, he was nervous. He just didn't know why yet.

I caught the next location he was checking in his mind. Using the spirits' directions, I ran through the woods to get there. The small clearing was closer to me than him, so I arrived first. With a jolt I was back into reality.

Moments of anxiety passed by. What would he think? Did I look okay? Was I ready? Was he?

Large footsteps approached. He'd caught my scent. He noted it was like wild flowers. I'd heard that before. But he also threw in pine and fresh snow. Those were new. I could just see him through the trees. He froze and our eyes locked.

"My Embry!" I exhalted.

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