Ch 9- Chef's Special

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Seth came straight to my side when I came inside with Raven. Almost absentmindedly, I took his hand in my own. I was getting used to this. All eyes were on me as we made our way into the living area. After an awkward moment, introductions were made. I met Seth's family, Leah, Sue, and an uncomfortable looking Charlie Swan. Then I met Raven's mate, Embry, and DaKoda's mate Casey. The Alpha of the First Pack, Sam, was there, as well as his mate Emily. A wolf named Quil and his young imprintee Claire, Jacob's sister Rachel and brother-in-law Paul, and his father, Billy were all there as well. The room was tightly packed, and very warm.

"Brielle, can ye come into the kitchen?" Berit's voiced chimed. I squeezed my way past all the large wolves and slipped into the kitchen. "Is there a way ye can make some artificial blood to put in a few of the dishes? But without the smell?"

I nodded. "Where do you need it?" Artificial blood was a product that the High Witch of Justice, Fernanda, had developed around 800 years ago. She'd found her mate in Alma, the first member of the Volturi's guard, who now served as the Council's ambassador to the Volturi. Fernanda had found that human blood created with magic had disorienting affects on vampires, so she'd decided to try creating an entirely new alternative. Artificial blood was chemically different than other blood, and apparently had a different taste. It also turned the user's eyes a more orange shade of red than normal. The spell that created it wasn't that complex, but the application required a high processing speed and magical output. Because of that, very few witches were able to actually make the stuff.

"Let me dish out a few plates. They'll be one for myself, three for my boys, and one for Ms. Nessie. Probably best to convert some of the gravy." The five plates were set in front of me and I became very aware of the curious faces peeking into the kitchen. To appease the masses, I performed the spell slower than I normally would've. The color of the gravy on the plates shifted and became darker and redder. The smell wasn't there, though. Standard artificial blood had a different scent anyway, one that was supposedly unappealing. I figured it was best to play it safe and completely neutralize the smell anyway.

Faint murmurs spread through the room. Sue's brows furrowed in confusion. It was likely that the color change wasn't drastic enough for her to see it. The McCabe children, who were somewhat used to this type of thing, pushed their way into the kitchen and began taking plates out to the dining table. I moved to help Berit dish the food out. The others tried to come forward to grab plates, but Berit waved them off.

"Just go sit down, we'll get the food out to ye," she dismissed. There was no room for argument in her voice.

As I sat down at the table, I noticed the wolves eyeing the McCabe's plates warily. The fact that wolves were consuming blood set them on edge.

"Well," Raven said, disrupting the uneasy silence, "let's eat." It was very faint, but I could sense the release of spiritual power come from her. Nobody but me noticed- and her mother. Berit shot her a quick frown, but Raven ignored it. Her words had been a command, so gentle that its recipients had no clue. Very sneaky.

The plates became empty very quickly. The chef, however, had enough experience feeding wolves that she'd made enough for all of them to have thirds. I didn't bother converting the gravy on the boys' extra helpings.

Renesmee seemed more impressed by the meal than anyone else. "I didn't know human food could taste good. Normally I don't like it," she told Berit.

"I'm sure. When I found Mo Mac Tíre, I began cooking human food. I felt the same way at first, but after a lot of experimenting, I found ways to incorporate blood into the food we eat. The boys, and Raven at times as well, are stronger when blood is incorporated into their diet, so in general I would've just used it as an ingredient, rather that having Brielle make artificial blood."

"Do you think you could teach us some of your recipes?" Esme asked.

"Of course," Berit agreed. "We usually use deer blood, as it's the easiest to get. Mo Mac Tíre can show ye how to break down the animals. A lot of our food is based on what we hunt, so there's a good bit of venison. But I do know recipes for larger predators, as well as for standard meats that ye'd buy at the store."

There was some more small talk about cooking, and then I felt my phone buzz. It was Al. I excused myself, and stepped outside.

"Brielle speaking," I answered.

"It's me," Al's voice came from the other end. "What did you need, Dear?"

"I wanted to set up an interview of the Cullens. You mentioned once that you wanted to have one, so now that the opportunity's arisen, I figured we shouldn't let it slip by."

She hummed in agreement. "Yes, yes. Does tomorrow morning work? Around 10? I know it's short notice, but it's best to get people in as soon as possible if there's an available time, you know."

"I don't think that'll be a problem. I'll text you when I have a definite answer. I'll also be bringing three wolves with me. Jacob Black, Renesmee Cullen's mate, and Seth and Leah Clearwater."

"May I ask why you're bringing the Clearwaters?"

"Well," I sighed. "Seth, the younger one, imprinted on me. Raven arranged a meeting. She seems to be embarking on a quest to get all the Quileutes to imprint."

Al burst into laughter. "That seems in character. I think Raven's favorite activity is surprising people. And Leah?"

"Raven's request. She thought that it'd be a good idea for the first female wolf to visit the Archives."

"I'll make sure Mikhail is here then," she assured. My mentor picked up on the real meaning behind my words instantly.

There was no doubt that once we came back, Raven would be insufferably smug.

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